New Zealand? I like that. They have also tried things like this on Wellington motorways, encouraging those in the left lane to actually give a gap so someone can enter at speed:
(Newlands interchange on SH 1 in Wellington, from the NZTA/Waka Kotahi:
Problem is, “merge like a zip” only legally applies in Australia if the lane marking stops before the lane ends. If you are crossing a lane line, including if the marking continues all the way to where the lane ends - this is considered a change of lanes, and those in the existing lane do not have to give way.
Visually, taken from a Transport for NSW “top 10 misunderstood road rules” booklet - zip merge applies here:
Zip merge legally doesn’t apply here, this is not considered a merge at all but a change in lanes:
The former has been very rare in NSW until recently - and the etiquette on the latter would say this should be handled like a zip merge, but there is nothing saying they have to, and you’d be marked down in your knowledge test if you said the car in the ending lane had any right of way.
This is also probably why NSW changed the signage underneath their “Left Lane Ends” sign from “Merge Right/Left” to “Change Lanes” in the last few years… and also removed the “Form 1 Lane” signs from them as that is the sign meant to be used for zips!
As a result, I suspect their current advice for new roads is to do zip merges where the lane speeds are expected to be the same (and for it to be a change-lanes situation where they’d differ - this may include overtaking lane situations, I’ll admit, which is probably why it’s good that many at speed give 500 metre warnings). That is a lot different to what happens in, say, the ACT where zip merges are the prevalent type. Other states’ mileages may vary on this.
. . .
I can see why NSW folk find that confusing, but only because NSW used to mark practically ALL their merges like the latter, and it may have only changed when the standardised road rules came in - but that happened before I got a licence, so. (Also too much focus at the time on same rules asking people to always indicate left out of a roundabout, so if this changed, it didn’t get much fanfare.)
I don’t know what the equivalent situation is in Queensland, but I saw this “Zip Merge” sign in central Cairns instead of the usual “form 1 lane” sign - I had actually never seen a sign like this before, even in SEQ:
(via Google Street View - Bunda St eastbound, a block away from Cairns train station)