Digital TV Technical Discussion

It’s been like this all week. Probably not the best coverage.

Not sure if this is the right thread.

My parents up in Central QLD have (finally) purchased a new TV today at the Boxing Day sales - LG OLED 65 inch. (Upgrading from an old TV that was only MPEG2)

I was helping them set it up via FaceTime and noticed the the channels all auto populated with channel logos, but the logos are all incorrect.

No idea where the icons have come from as they appeared automatically after tuning.

When flicking the channels, the LCN, channel logo, channel name, and current program appear.

The logos are all aligned with the previous channels before the last affiliation swap.
This is a brand new TV first turned on today.

LCN8/80, 9/9HD are showing a WIN logo

The 10 multi channels in the 50 range are showing 9Gem/9Go/9Life logos

The 9 multi channels in the 80 range are showing 10Bold/10Peach logos

I couldn’t find anything in the settings to force the logos to update.

Any ideas?


Software update? That or just do a rescan. Not the TV’s fault.

Got them to do that, made no difference.

The channel names are listed correctly, it’s just the logo next to it is off.
For example, LCN 54 is correctly listed as 10 Shake in the text, but has a massive 9Life logo next to it

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That’ll be an LG problem. They just haven’t updated it.

or it needs to be connected to the interenet

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True, that should allow it to update (you may need to sit on each channel for a bit and rescan again).

Agree, connect the TV to the internet, tune into one of the affected channels and leave it on that channel for a few minutes, then try another affected channel etc. A software update would be your next option.

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This was posted in September 2021. No solution I’m afraid.


Happened on my TV too in inner Melbourne, showing 10 as WIN.
Couldn’t do anything to resolve it via digital aerial.
Oddly enough, when I connected my HDHomeRun as the TV tuner (rather than using digital aerial direct to the TV) all the channels show correctly.

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TV had to be connected to the internet as part of the setup process, it was connected to the internet before any of the channels were even tuned in to it.

I’d say that’s where the icons came from in the first place.

I’ve had them do a software update, and try the “sit on the channel for a while” method and neither have fixed the issue.

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sounds like LG needs to update their database, unfortunately I don’t think there would be anything that you can do.

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I noticed recently that Nine SD has those horrible black bars that 9Go, (Rush, 9Gem have. Not sure when it started; I thought it was Nine’s only SD channel without them. Perhaps it’s been for a while as I never look at the SD channel.

Compared to WIN SD


Time to phase it out. Quality looks terrible too.

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I was somewhere last week and the TV was on LCN 9 - didn’t know any better.


I’ve been to a few relatives house who do the same.
They should at least place HD on the single digit LCNs and keep X1 for the SD version temporarily.


Agree - leave 91 available in SD.

Also, why don’t Foxtel swap the HD versions of FTA channels from the 200s to the 100s for people with a HD plan like they do for their own channels.

So Fox 8 is on 108 with the standard plan and 208 in HD (but nor receivable). Then if you get the HD plan Fox 8 ist still on 108 while 208 is the SD version.

Should do the same for the FTA main channels.


The reason why Nine SD channels have black bars is because all of the SDs are MPEG-2, unlike SBS, 10 and 7. Basically these are the formats of Nine’s channels, MPEG-4 in Bold:

9: 9
90: 9HD (HD)
91: 9
92: 9Gem
93: 9Go!
94: 9Life
95: 9GemHD (HD)
96: 9Rush
97: Extra
99: 9Go!

Compared to Seven and Ten:

7: 7
70: 7HD (HD)
71: 7
72: 7two
74: 7mate (HD)
75: 7Bravo (HD)
76: 7flix

1: 10 HD (HD)
10: 10
11: 10 Peach
12: 10 BOLD (HD)
13: 10 SHAKE
15: 10 HD
16: TVSN
17: gecko

As it is shown, Nine are very reluctant to use MPEG-4, unlike Seven and Ten I feel like making 9Gem HD only (like SBS Viceland, SBS World Movies, 7mate, 7Bravo and 10 BOLD) and putting 9Life and 9Rush in MPEG-4 would solve the problem with the black bars.

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They must be saving half a channel’s worth of video bandwidth using the black bars. Crazy how desperate they are to hold on to MPEG-2. 9Life and 9Rush should have been MPEG-4 from the beginning

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Advertisers will take an extra percent on audience reach over picture quality.

This would be solvable but for networks being totally unwilling to invest in decent audience communication - organising an industry wide shift. Instead people just slowly lose channels at random times - and either accept it and pick another channel, or think their TV is broken and decide to buy a new one.

Ideally some of the ‘HBB’ stuff would have worked well enough that it’d be seamless to stream the HD versions of the channels on a compatible TV without going to the 9now app

It’s weird that it’s still a 720x576 channel though - crush it to 544x576 or something.

From a quick sample of Nine Melbourne (~2min)

9HD - 4Mbps
GemHD - 3.65Mbps
Life - 2.4Mbps
Go - 2.1Mbps
9SD - 2.0Mbps
GemSD - 1.9Mbps
Rush - 1.7Mbps
Extra - 1.2Mbps