Whatever the view on that is, it’s practical to have the same timezone across NSW, VIC, ACT, etc.
NSW shouldn’t unilaterally change its timezone without some kind of interstate agreement
Whatever the view on that is, it’s practical to have the same timezone across NSW, VIC, ACT, etc.
NSW shouldn’t unilaterally change its timezone without some kind of interstate agreement
Have they said which dates they want to change it to? Like are they talking about beginning of October and March?
Prior to the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne it had been last Sunday of October to last Sunday of March with the exception of Tasmania moving on the first Sunday of October which caused enough chaos for scheduling radio and TV. Would Sydney be able to handle not being in the lead timezone and having Melbourne getting shows an hour earlier?
Agree. Just move to permanent daylight Time and stick with it. No more changing the clocks then.
And if they can agree to that outside of QLD, might be able to get them to go along with it which will be a bonus.
Unless of course… Something something cows fading.
There’s a few people out there who advocate for the clocks to go half an hour forward of standard time and stay there permanently, all across the country. The argument being you get some of the benefit of DST without the hassle of the twice-yearly clock change. It’s not the worst idea.
I’ve always thought permanent DST would result in the mornings being too dark too late - even in April in Victoria it’s pretty depressing that it’s only getting light after 7:30am until the clocks go back. In winter it would mean sunrises after 8:30am which would really be ordinary.
Not just that but just last week we saw the frosts and icy roads and people in the southern states needing to take all the ice off their cars. Moving the clocks moves that problem even further with the coldest part of the day now becoming about 8am so some cars will refreeze or still making things more dangerous for kids and schools with it being dark until near 9am in some places.
I now have only smart clocks in my home, no more manual clock changes!
Not always foolproof though. At least twice now my phone has tried to introduce daylight saving time to Brisbane, and my DAB+ clock radio seems to like to revert to GMT most days for a bit.
Maybe it’s trying to tell you QLDers something! They are “smart” for a reason!
Personally daylight savings doesn’t bother me, I rather like it, but rather than have this argument, I think we should be more looking at the time zones across Australia.
Sydney to Perth is roughly the same distance as New York to LA, they have 4 standard time zones, (Eastern, Central, Mountain & Pacific), we only have 3 & Adelaide (or SA to take the entire state) is only 30 minutes behind the eastern sea board in normal time, but then half way in distance, & then the west coast is 1h 30m behind SA.
We should add a time zone & if we keep the 2 hours difference across the country obviously make the zones smaller & be 30 minutes apart in time, though the USA time zones are 1 hour apart, making 4 hours from the East to West coasts. Maybe we should do that too & move our East coast 30 minutes ahead of now & the West coast 30 minutes back from where it is now (standard times, not daylight savings) & then split the 2 in the middle equally?
Agree, but I think the opposite, particularly during DST when we effectively have 5 time zones (6 if you include the little known one in SE WA near Eucla). I think that’s too many.
But then I don’t know what the answer is without having an artificial vertical border in the middle of SA/NT or similar or a horizontal one halfway up QLD/WA for instance.
I actually don’t think this is such a bad idea. NSW seems to cope fine with Broken Hill being in a different time zone to the rest of the state.
It comes down to whether the people of western SA or north QLD or wherever would prefer to have their local time closer to natural solar time, or in line with their capital city.
I say no to daylight saving in Queensland and I born in Brisbane I love with out daylight saving mate and go way leave Queensland alone
Anyone else find themselves waking up very early recently as we near closer to daylight savings?
nup, my alarm clock is still set to the same time
Yep, and it will be even lighter earlier this year as daylight saving doesn’t start until the 6th of October.
Melbourne’s sunrise of 5:49am on the 5th of October will be its earliest since 2018 when sunrise was at 5:48am.
Yep absolutely, starting to get light at 5:15am in Canberra at the moment.
We really should follow New Zealand’s lead and start DST on 29 Sep. I think it would be much better to have the start of DST aligned with the start of the school holidays for most of the states using DST (ACT, NSW, TAS, SA) - I feel like that makes a lot of sense
No but I did a rare early shift at work today and found it easier than usual to get out of bed at 5am
Think this is a good idea- at this time of year especially most people are sick of the dark evenings and looking forward to soon having that extra hour of daylight.
I’d compromise and finish DST a couple of weeks earlier too- when it gets past the equinox it starts to feel like it’s gone for too long and it becomes noticeably dark in the morning.
Try the UK when the sun is rising just after 4am in peak summer.