Dancing with the Stars

At least they arranged a small crew to be in the studio to create some noise.

The crew are the ones who are working on the show so they are already there.

That comment from grant to Christian was so inappropriate. If that was done to a woman…

Caught parts of it last night, definitely not the same without a crowd, really adds to the atmosphere and I’d imagine the dancers would feed off the audience as well.

What was the comment? I recall him saying something to one of the judges (I’ve forgotten his name, but the one on the right).

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After the dance with the judges he went to the platform to talk to Grant. Grant asked the camera to zoom in on the roses. He proceeded to put his finger closed to his crotch. He said oh I can see a little thorn in there. Or something along those lines.

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He said he could see a very small rose covering a very small pr*ck. Was not really funy either.


That would constitute sexual harassment. If a man had did that to a woman and pointed at her ding dong and said something like that I would have no doubt that there would be a huge story about it - or a huge complaint to HR.

Grant just disgusts me now. He thinks he’s funny, but in truth he’s not. (I’ll be polite and won’t say anything nasty).


So it was Grant, I thought it was Christian because I thought he said something a little unusual to one of the judges.

Agreed, it’s definitely not appropriate.

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Can we stop with the false equivalence bullshit. It’s an unacceptable comment regardless of its target.

You don’t need to compare to know it was inappropriate.


So you thought you’d make a good point by saying something equally offensive?

I’m surprised there hasn’t been more uproar about the comment

On a slower news day I think it would have caused more.

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I think Christian is more worried about having a deadly disease and having to pull out of the competition whilst also disrupting the whole show more.


Considering his dad found out Thursday I am pretty sure he would have been tested on Thursday.

Did Christian laugh off the so-called joke? And not complain about it?

I thought it was a good episode, even without the audience.

And did anyone find Gustavo (Chloe’s dance partner) a little over the top when he got overly excited?

To me he seemed a bit taken back by it.

Same. I thought it was a good episode. I didn’t think the audience was missed.

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Sharna’s dance with Celia and Claudia was awesome.


Christian Wilkins and his dance partner in lockdown interviewed on Studio 10 via skype. He suggested that if he tested positive for coronavirus it might mean that other contestants on the show may need to isolate and that could mean the end for the show.

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