COVID-19: SA Outbreak

Yeah I am not upset at the way the government has handled this at all. And, although this cluster is not over, I am happy how united and compliant South Australians have been. Only a handful of fines were issued proving how everyone wanted to do the right thing.


I’m wondering what possible reason this person could have had to lie. I assume that it must have been against the rules to work in Hotel Quarantine and a pizza shop, which is why he left that bit out?

I guess it could be the same similar reasons people lied in the Victorian situations. Perhaps they are on an international student visa and can only work a certain amount of hours and are afraid of being deported, jailed or fined?


New rules/restrictions come Sunday

This includes:

  • 1 person per 4 square metres will apply.
  • All food and beverages will need to be consumed while seated.
  • No dancing
  • Updated gathering provision numbers being:
    • Onsite purchase and consumption of food and beverages- 100 people maximum and no more than 10 people at each table.
    • Funerals- 50 people maximum
    • Weddings- 150 people maximum and registration of all guests with SA Health
    • Religious ceremonies (not including a wedding or funeral)- 100 people maximum
    • Private gatherings- 50 people maximum
    • Private residence- 10 people per house (unless more than 10 people permanently reside at the residence)
  • Personal care workers will need to wear masks.
  • Gyms are permitted to reopen.

No Dancing is a strange rule. My morning dance will be no longer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It is all an assumption at this stage though. I actually do not know if they did have an international student visa. On further reflection I feel sad for those that feel they need to lie about their working arrangements just to protect their place in this country. I would rather those limitations be reduced during a pandemic, and those that are in the country to be eligible for some government support, to keep everyone honest and feeling they are in the journey with all Australian’s.

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I think he probably thought it through too much. I don’t think he would have been punished by the department of health for working a cash job. Again this is just speculative.


Police have raced to patrol outside an [Adelaide]) pizza bar whose “lying” worker has become the focus of a state’s outrage.

The teenager had told authorities he had only purchased a pizza from Woodville Pizza Bar when, in fact, he had worked several shifts at the location.

So fears the virus was being transmitted all over Adelaide on pizza boxes proved unfounded.

The Woodville Pizza Bar’s Facebook page has been inundated with some humourous, some vile, but mostly furious commentary.

Threats have also grown on social media from vigilantes calling for the restaurant to pay.

The premier pulled no punches when he revealed the pizza bar worker’s “blatant lie”.

“Their story didn’t add up. We pursued them. We now know that they lied,” Premier Steven Marshall said.
“The selfish actions of this individual have put our whole state in a very difficult situation.

“To say that I am fuming about the actions of this individual is an absolute understatement.”

Police Commissioner Grant Stevens says, under current directions, there is no mechanism to penalise the pizza bar worker for lying to authorities.

“That is my understanding at this stage,” he said.

“It’s stating the obvious to say that this has had an unbelievable impact on South Australians.”

Come Sunday do you have to wear a mask while outside exercising/walking & also in Supermarkets?

They have never been mandatory but they are certainly recommended. So if you have one wear it if you cannot socially distance; i.e. in a supermarket. I think while walking and exercising you should be fine. But I am not a health expert.

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The problem with introducing punishments for people who lie to contact tracers is that you’ll have part of the community who do some dodgy things not coming forward for testing or cooperating with authorities in fear of prosecution over what they might tell the contact tracers.

Like if a bikie gang clubhouse turned out to be a COVID cluster - you most certainly would want the bikies cooperating, but they don’t cooperate with police. In a situation like that, you’d need to make it absolutely crystal clear that the contact tracing team will never pass incriminating information onto authorities.

There needs to be some kind of immunity on information gathered by contact tracers, which probably would have prevented this debacle in the first place.

My suspicion would be that the lie came from the fact that the pizza bar employed the worker under an illegal cash in hand scheme (whether to avoid taxes, or for visa reasons). The worker can’t be punished - the pizza bar CERTAINLY will.

God help the pizza bar worker if their identity is leaked. As for the pizza bar, that’s toast - there is NO WAY they’ll be getting out of that kind of reputational harm, and the various authorities will certainly be looking into their finances now. Not to mention the threat of the place getting torched overnight.


Yep. The reputation of the bar will be tarnished pretty much forever. I do think that at least this person who lied should at least be given a warning of sorts and the pizza bar be held accountable. We can’t let this individual go unscathed. It’ll only encourage others to lie to authorities knowing it won’t come with consequences for them.

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I’m fairly sure they can’t work anymore than 19hrs a week. The guy on a visa who cleans my workplace appears to do at least 40.

I think it’s 40 hours a fortnight during semester and unlimited during holidays. Are you sure this guy is on a student visa?

Front page of the NT News.


Thats good the NT border is opening again. Any idea on other borders like Victoria?

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19,000 tests were done in SA yesterday. Fantastic result.


Extraordinary effort.


And only 1 new case close contact from a previous case and they were already in quarantine.