Community Radio

Thankx so much for that, most of my CSAs are over 15 to 25 years old. This site will give me a chance to completely overhaul my collection. :slight_smile:


RPP FM on the Mornington Peninsula are suspending live programs

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Super Radio Network

Where i work out we have just suspended our rph readings

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Is WOW FM 100.7 Penrith operating on low power atm?

BTW what’s the correct FB site for WOW FM?


Looks like a South Sudanese gov opposition site!?


Must be a station over there with the same frequency and name?

Which wouldn’t surprise me… as we’ve had two MIX106.3s, two 105.1 Triple Ms, and there’d be a few others too I’m sure.


There’s a Power 98.7 in South Africa as well as Power FM Murray Bridge on 98.7


Not forgetting that Fine Music Radio near Cape Town as well.

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That South Sudanese station claims to be in Sydney, Australia?

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The second one just seems to have been created by a presenter at WOW FM who is South Sudanese. You can see the WOW FM logo in his profile pic


Wow FM signal strength seams to be getting weaker every day.

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It’s one of the weakest Sydney signals at my location during tropo. Being down in the Penrith Valley wouldn’t help.

If they could put their TX at somewhere like Lapstone, I reckon that would make a big difference.

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Forgot to post this in here - 89.9 Light FM Melbourne has relaunched as 89.9 TheLight.

No changes to RDS PS and DAB+ short label - Light899


It used to just be ‘Light FM’ didn’t it?


Community Radio’s main sector body the CBAA has set up a dedicated COVID-19 response group on Facebook - to provide information and faciliate discussion between stations during the padenmic.

In some of their latest posts - they have advised:

*They are seeking clarification on the status of community broadcasting should there be a wider shutdown of non-essential services nationally or in any particular location.

*They are building the case for community radio stations to receive some support in response to the Covid-19 economic downturn -given many are now or likely to face challenges gaining sponsorship.

*They are offering online access of the Community Radio Network suite of programming for stations until mid-September to provide alternative programming for stations affected by shutdown.

*They are liasing with the ACMA regularly on various matters. Including if the ACMA receives a complaint about representing community interests, provide services for community purposes, or encouraging members of the community to participate in the service - it will have regard to the circumstances of the licensee in deciding whether to investigate.


Northside Radio Chatswood has announced they are ceasing live programming due to COVID-19 concerns.

Also, 2BBB Bellingen is likely to do the same in the coming days with a mix of pre-recorded shows and the CBAA satellite filling the gaps. I can tell you that the The Mechie Show will be going into hiatus as a result.

Don’t be surprised if many other community stations start following suit.


Busco said he was continuing the breakfast show, even at home if needed (Breakfast on SWR).

The Instant Karma show has stopped on Tuesday night (2RRR Ryde). It seems the live rock report is still happening on HHH FM. I am not sure if that is actually “live”.

The “it’s time show” is still on, but that isn’t live. I guess a lot of these recorded shows these days can be recorded at home?

Hopefully the SWR awesome 80s keeps going. Can some community shows be prerecorded from home? I am not sure how expensive is the kit, with so many DIY youtube channels these days it should be straight forward.


I suspect a lot of people could potentially pre-record shows and it can be done. Unfortunately, I don’t have the technology to do my show live and remotely and neither does the station and pre-recording isn’t a option. I have a old saying, “go live or go home!” But seriously, at the moment, other commitments prevent me from doing pre-recording which, ironically, has taken me longer to do that a 2 hour live show. And my show works best as a live program anyway with the sort of content that it has.


I agree that live and local is the way to go for community radio. I won’t be able to start at 2BRW Braidwood until COVID is done.


I obviously can’t comment for other stations, but all our presenters can get remote clients of our automation system at 3mFM for voice tracking + editing playlist etc. couple that with a dynamic broadcast microphone and problem solved! Its obviously not as fun for both the presenter or the listener as being live, but for many its better than stopping altogether.