I’m going to leave you two to reconcile, haha.


Erm, so maybe this is how Americans debate things, lol. There is no national vote / popular vote across the nation, which is what the polls showing Hillary was going to win the election (in the region of 2-3%) were showing. Rather, the national election winner was determined by an electoral college, which is comprised of electors based on the vote in 50 individual states. I in fact totally agree with you that Americans probably don’t understand this very basic fundamental and thus would need to disagree. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Now you make sense. Yes we all
Know the electoral college system determines the president. Not a popular vote. But all 50
States take part. If all 50 states take part and 350m people
Can vote that is a national election. But yes popular vote does not win president.
Polls were showing Hilary would win more electoral votes that trump. Every poll. No doubt they were waaaaaay wrong and in hindsight we can see why they were. Many reasons. Many people were ashamed to admit they were voting for him. But to say to report those polls as fake news is a bit of a stretch. Anyway moving on from politics…

I thought they did at least to an extent, if they didn’t i will stand corrected

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: US Politics (including 2016 Election)

As someone who worked for a totalitarian government, you might need to look elsewhere

It’s amusing going back through old threads, in the light of new information, and seeing the abuse and bullying from other members:

Also this:

Or this sparkling assessment:

Or this stunning lack of self-awareness:

Of course Van Jones, of CNN fame, has just one thing to say to you:

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Perhaps criticism of Van Jones will be permitted now.



Van Jones is a commentator. Who cares?


So you admit your alt right?

Er, that was KICK-IT questioning a member of this forum - followed up by you saying, don’t bother KICK-IT, and then labeling that member alt-right…

But anyway, I’m enjoying you struggling to come up with a response, being humiliated after 9 months of Russia ranting - perhaps come up with something slightly less lame than TVHead just did. :ok_hand: “Who cares what Van Jones thinks”, LOL, the network just had him commenting the Presidential election itself.


CNN Hong Kong has a new studio.


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Suffers from the same disease as every other CNNI set: an ugly clash of European and American set design.

CNNI desperately need to cut back on American domestic programming too. Been watching some of the International service of late and there’s far too much US political garbage and far too few international news bulletins. My recommendation would be moving all international operations to London and Hong Kong and only running simulcast of domestic during a news story which warrants it.



EDIT : Now been cleared to re enter.