
I think they are complaining about the clause in the Broadcasting Services Act which restricts M rated films until after 8:30pm. The code they write can’t change that.

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I agree. It is so confusing. I don’t know why Nine pick and choose which movie has two separate ratings for the one movie (with the “two-parts”), while some movies, like Saturday’s Casino Royale has one entry into the ratings.

I don’t blame Nine for airing some M movies at an earlier slot, and being creative with the “two parts” of the movie. Most of us on this site aren’t big fans of it, but its working for them so far, and rating well.

Movies are hard enough enjoyable viewing with the saturation of ads, we also don’t want an abrupt made-up ‘intermission’ with fake closing credits and a re-opening of the same movie half-way through. It’s pretty rubbish.


Nine are at it again. Two movies airing tonight, are split into two - to meet with the classification.

First up is Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tells No Tales. It airs on Nine. Part one is on at 7pm; Part Two is at 8.30pm.
Over on Gem, Dances With Wolves is on at 7pm, with part two at 8.35pm.

It’s becoming ridiculous now. @blackbox discussed it last week on their show


But are they now deliberately splitting movies, or were these movies made in two parts?

Deliberate. The two part movies (like Avengers, Hunger Games, Harry Potter) were all ~2/3 hour movies each part, not 60min each.


No consumer advice on today’s midday movie on Seven for some reason.

Perhaps that will stop the Daily Mail articles.

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“Midwives” (a made for TV film from 2001) with Sissy Spacek? Should’ve been “M” with “Adult Themes” according to guides.

Code breach? ACMA would love to hear from you!

Update 8:30pm

@sifon was onto something earlier today, just saw the opening to “This Means War” on 7flix… No proper classification warning (again, must have one with consumer advice as it’s a “M” movie, as per the ACMA Code). Looks like script play-out error?

I’ll tag @WAtvVideos to see if he’s able to keep an eye when it airs over there, plus any other programs on Seven’s other channels. 7flix is played out of MediaHub, unlike main channel, which is even stranger that it’s occured on both channels today.

It has happened before, although only ever once I’ve seen, during a movie on 7flix “Slumdog Millionaire”, when the classification warning with consumer advice aired mid-way through after an ad break with PRG.


as per above

7flix play-out error (incorrect “M” classification warning), this is the moment (~3sec in) it normally transitions in the top left:

Incorrect generic one aired around 30sec in:


“London Has Fallen” split movie for classification purposes (and by far the worst Nine have done so far)



End credits

Production ender

*Immediately into made up MA rated “Part 2”

Made up “Part 2” logo

(It was done right at this moment not for dramatic suspense with the bomb going off, but because the bad guys started machine gunning crowds with graphic bloody results - clearly MA)

The whole movie should be rated MA. It started after 8.30pm.


An interview with Margaret Anderson, director of the Australian Classification Board.

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Oh, fudge! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Fuck me, why did i read that?


reminds me of this

From G-rated Cheez TV straight into a very PG rated Becker promo. lol

Why are Seven airing a “PG”(edited) movie well after 10pm? Surely a file/automation mistake, unless (as networks did around eaely 2000s) bizarrely made it the master copy and no longer have the un-edited “M” one

I think @blackbox’s podcast the other week scared them, now they’re ‘over-censoring’ :joy:

I think they’ve played an old censored copy. But weirdly they could have run a commercial with swearing in it.


Another case of split classification.
7pm is PG with “Part 2” at 8.30pm rated M

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