Classic TV Listings

“Christine Bath” and Peter Ford are listed as Sunrise hosts later in the week. No idea if this was their first week?

Today’s TV: 7.2.1966, Melbourne / Gippsland

Source: TV Week

Includes the debut of Thunderbirds


It must’ve been a massive prime time flop because it didn’t debut in Sydney on TCN9 until January 1, 1968, nearly two years later, in the 4pm slot.


A bit odd having a couple of 1 hour programs at 7pm on a weeknight.

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Today’s TV: 7.2.1983, Melbourne

Source: TV Week


Dallas and Dynasty both back but at least avoiding a head on clash.

I’d been known to be watching Class Of '74 repeats if I was taking a sickie off school :stuck_out_tongue:

Even though a lot of the big guns are back, e.g. The Mike Walsh Show, Sons & Daughters, Sale Of The Century, I reckon the start of the ratings season must have still been another week away? Given that Nine was still doing the 9.30 summertime news and running The Tonight Show from the US.


Today’s TV: 8.2.1982, Western Australia

Source: The Australian Women’s Weekly


Geez the money must’ve been tight at VEW - a 5:40 sign-on and a 11pm close (roughly) in 1982?


they managed to have enough money in 1983 to host a women’s show…

YouTube: Tralee Cable

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Hilarious. One camera.

the news had a similar vibe, and the same presenter

YouTube: Tralee Cable


3-6-9-10-11? where did the 6 come from?

BTW 3 Bunbury
BTW 6 Narrogin
BTW 10 Katanning
BTW 10 Mawson
BTW 11 Wagin
BTW 55 Northam

GSW 9 Southern Agricultural
GSW 10 Albany

Source: Australian Broadcasting Tribunal Annual Report 1981-82

On a side note, it appears in the years that followed some changes were made:

Mawson went from Channel 10 to 11 (possibly to allow NEW10 to begin in Perth)
Wagin went from 11 to 6
Narrogin went from 6 to 60
Northam went from 55 to 59

Later sites opened in Gnowangerup (66) and Kojonup (66)


I take it all these changes happened in the mid-eighties?

I haven’t got exact dates. The later data was as published in 1991. So the changes were over that decade

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… same as SAS10 Adelaide “Touch of Elegance” in the 70s …

Today’s TV: 8.2.1982, Melbourne

Source: Woman’s Day / TV Day


Looks like she’s wearing a nightgown.

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Today’s TV: 8.2.1980, Melbourne

Source: TV Guide


By any chance do you have the TV Guide of 19-25 January 1980? I have the SA edition of that issue but was wondering if you can tell me if the Melbourne edition had any reporting of Channel 0 changing to 10 that weekend?

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