Melbourne, Monday 23 January 2006
from TV Week
6.00 WeatherWatch/Music
6.20 Mandarin News
6.50 WeatherWatch/Music
7.25 Italian News
8.00 Das Journal
8.30 Spanish News
9.20 Le Journal
9.55 Spanish News
10.30 Greek News
11.30 Arabic News
12.05 Indonesian News
12.30 Polish News
1.00 Tristan & Isolde (G/from 1998 Munich Opera Festival)
5.30 The Journal
6.00 Global Village “Paris: Pomp & Poetry by the Seine/Drottningholm’s Theatre” (G)
6.30 World News Australia
7.00 Toyota World Sport
7.30 Top Gear (PG)
8.30 South Park “Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow” (M)
9.00 Speaking in Tongues (M/finale)
9.30 World News Australia
10.00 Shameless (MA15+)
10.55 Movie “Unfair Competition” (PG/Italy)
12.45 The Nanny (G)
1.15 Movie “The Brave of Samothrakis” (M)
2.40 close
5.00 WeatherWatch/Music
5.25 Japanese News
6.00 Billy the Cat (G)
6.25 Flatmania (G)
6.35 Charlie Brown & Snoopy (G)
7.00 The Worst Witch (G)
7.20 Potatoes & Dragons (G)
7.30 Cyberchase (G)
7.55 Yoko! Jakamoto! Toto! (G)
8.00 Little Robots (G)
8.10 Save-Ums! (G)
8.20 Eddy & the Bear (G)
8.30 Play with Me Sesame (G)
8.55 I Spy (G)
9.10 Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends (G)
9.20 Maisy (G)
9.25 Bananas in Pajamas (G)
9.30 Play School (G)
10.00 Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! (G)
10.10 Wiggles (G)
10.30 Saddle Club (G)
11.00 Landline
noon Midday Report
12.30 Walking with Dinosaurs (G)
1.00 Pilot Guides (G)
2.00 The Bill (PG)
3.00 Bananas in Pajamas (G)
3.05 Bear in the Big Blue House (G)
3.30 Play School (G)
4.00 Bob the Builder (G)
4.10 Pablo the Little Red Fox (G)
4.15 Madeline (G)
4.35 Wild Thornberrys (G)
5.00 Fairly OddParents (G)
5.25 Seriously Weird (G)
5.50 Girl Stuff, Boy Stuff (G)
6.05 Doctor Who “Silver Nemesis” (G/2 parts, second part starts at 6.30)
7.00 ABC News
7.30 7.30 Report
8.00 Australian Story "Out of the Dust"
8.35 Race: The Power of an Illusion “The Difference Between Us” (G/premiere)
9.35 The Men Who Would Conquer China (M)
10.55 ABC News
11.10 Harem (PG)
mid. Movie “Strange Fits of Passion” (M)
1.20 Movie “A Tale of Two” (G)
3.20 Movie “Double Exposure” (G)
4.30 Movie “The Long Memory” (PG)
6.00 Sunrise
9.00 Raggs “Change” §
9.30 Always Greener “Share Space” (PG)
10.30 Seven News
11.00 Australian Open Tennis
6.00 Seven News
6.30 Today Tonight
7.00 Home & Away (G)
7.30 Australian Open Tennis
12.30 Buffy the Vampire Slayer “Ted”/“Bad Eggs” (PG)
2.30 Saved by the Bell: The New Class (G)
3.00 Guthy-Renker (G)
4.00 NBC Today (G)
6.00 Today
9.00 Here’s Humphrey §
9.30 Oliver Beene “Fallout” (PG/premiere)
10.00 Everwood "Forget Me Not"
11.00 National Nine News
11.30 I’m with Her “All About Evil” (PG)
noon Dr. Phil “Celebrity Obsessed” (PG)
1.00 Days of Our Lives (PG)
2.00 Young & the Restless (PG)
3.00 Entertainment Tonight
3.30 Run of the House “Kiss and Tell” (PG)
4.00 [Hot] Source ©
4.30 National Nine News Afternoon Edition
5.00 Antiques Roadshow (G/from Hartlepool)
5.30 Price is Right
6.00 National Nine News
6.30 A Current Affair
7.00 King of Queens “Lyin’ Hearted” (PG)
7.30 Two and a Half Men “A Sympathetic Crotch to Cry On”/“The Old Hosebag is My Mother” (PG)
8.30 Walking the Dead “Every Breath You Take” (M)
10.30 Take This Job “Pet Passions” (PG)
11.30 Nightline
mid. DaVinci’s Inquest (M)
1.00 Water Rats (M)
2.00 Young Lions (M)
3.00 Guthy-Renker (G)
4.00 Creflo A. Dollar (G)
4.30 Good Morning America
6.00 Bright Ideas (G)
7.00 Toasted TV (G)
8.30 In the Box §
9.00 Good Morning Australia Summer Series
11.30 Ten News
noon 7th Heaven “Little White Lie” (G/pt 1)
1.00 Ready Steady Cook (G)
2.00 Oprah Winfrey “Kirstie Alley Teaches Oprah Her Weight Loss Weapon” (PG)
3.00 Huey’s Cooking Adventures (G)
3.30 Judge Judy (G)
4.00 Scope “Space Travel” ©
4.30 Bold & the Beautiful (G)
5.00 Ten News
6.00 Simpsons “Lisa’s First Word” (G)
6.30 Neighbours (G)
7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond “Cookies” (G)
7.30 Simpsons “Bart the Mother” (G)
8.00 Futurama “A Head in the Polls” (PG)
8.30 Supernatural “Wendigo” (M)
9.30 Charmed “Freaky Phoebe” (PG)
10.30 Ten News
11.00 Sports Tonight
11.30 Sailing: Volvo Round the World Ocean Race-Week 10
mid. Nickelback-The Story So Far
12.30 Up-Late Gameshow (PG)
1.55 Video Hits Up Late (G)
2.00 Home Shopping (G)
4.00 Joyce Meyer (G)
4.30 Kenneth Copeland (PG)
5.00 Life Today with James Robison (PG)
5.30 This is Your Day with Benny Hinn (G)