Interesting PRG for Stir Crazy
Not sure about everyone else but if I didn’t know better, I would’ve thought the “Welcome Home David Dicks” Promo Endtag might’ve been from five years later going by the look of the Nine logo on it!
STW-9 had that PRG from 1993 until 2001. I remember staying up late occasionally and seeing the animated PRGs and wondered why it was different then I figured STW took TCN’s dirty feed overnight.
Gee that was a quick turnaround from movie release to TV for Four Weddings And A Funeral, which came out in 1994. Don’t they usually wait two or three years?
Sale of the Century battle of the football codes
Channel Nine Sydney - Sunday 22/9/1996
40 Years of Television - 1985 Ident:
Promo during end credits:
Promo Endtags:
Must See TV Promo:
Better quality than the recording from the same night/station I found on tape (which ended during the newsbreak, so didn’t get the “40 Years of Television” Ident) maybe about a decade ago!
Purple and Grey seem to be a very 1994/5 thing back then. They were both seen as very modern looking colours in the mid 90s.
Channel Nine Sydney - Sunday 12/3/1995
Sunday Night at the Movies Opener:
This is Channel Nine Idents:
Promo Endtags:
Promo during end credits:
Channel Nine Perth - Tuesday 28/11/1995
Coronation Street Break Bumper:
Promo Endtags:
Channel Nine Adelaide - Thursday 24/11/1994
During Midday with Derryn Hinch and Days Of Our Lives
Promo Endtags:
Not entirely related to the On-Air Presentation I know, but a rather interesting tie (with what you could say is one of those logos you can hear…) being worn by Derryn Hinch in Cap #2!