Channel Nine - January, 2006-May, 2006 (Original Dotless) On-Air Presentation

Eddie took over as Nine CEO shortly after they dropped the dots.

And what a great idea that turned out to be.

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That’s the day Yolanda Stopar became the highest winning person ever in the history of Temptation / Sale Of The Century. She had $132,577 worth of Cash and Prizes to start off with, then she netted herself $800,000 Cold-hard Cash by beating David and Kate. Winning $932,577 in cash and prizes including a $40,000 Volvo S40 S Sedan and also a $20,000 trip to San Francisco. Plus everything else she picked up along the way.

Taken off TCN-9 Sydney on 19 May 2006

Video credit YouTube/Chris Pyke

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Channel Nine Sydney - Saturday 4/2/2006
received via the Illawarra

Still The One Promo:

Classification Warnings:


Promo Endtags:


Almost all of those endboards were horrific, and still are.

Very band and generic looking (the one for the Cricket especially)

Never a fan of these idents

I actually quite liked the initial set which featured scenes of Ch 9 personalities doing “everyday” things, and had a “This is Channel 9” voiceover at the end. I think it was the music, I liked the most.

The rest of the presentation package was awful. The mix of generic serif and sans serif fonts really grated.


Much like the later examples visible in 2006 - 2007, these have aged terribly. The looks they had from 2001-2005 look newer than these.


2006 was a very… weird era. It wasn’t on trend for the time and seemed to be a bad attempt at modernising 90s era presentation in colour scheme and by using Times New Roman. It was neither attention grabbing nor particularly elegant. A lot of the graphical effects were just orange smudges and blue mist everywhere. And then random bars around the Nine which was a call back to 2001, but which looked clunky and really didn’t work well with the rest of the look.

Amazing that they went from the timeless 2002 look to just pure distilled ugly. 2007 was worse.


Some of the Channel Nine Early 2006 Presentation looks like it was inspired by the BBC. For example the use of the Logo in the centre of the Bottom Third during Promos. You could argue even the Nine Logo inside the Blue Box was inspired by the BBC Block Logo.

The fact that a lot of the recordings we’re seeing now are VHS captures (as opposed to the digital TV tuner card recordings that long gone Media Spy members may have done back in the day) probably don’t help, although I agree nonetheless.

The removal of the iconic nine dots was also one of the biggest branding blunders in Australian TV history, no wonder they were reinstated in 2008 (or 2010 in Adelaide/Perth)!

I agree. The idea of having seven colours for seven days was ingenious when first launched and perfectly complimented the general theme of most primetime programs which aired on that particular night.

Of course, such a concept probably wouldn’t work so much now because modern day programming schedules of Australia’s commercial FTA networks are all over the place.

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Nine’s box logo was designed by Bruce Dunlop associations

I remember thinking at the time that it looked too upmarket. Something a subscription TV channel like Hallmark or W. would use.


It’s far from what Nine was in terms of presentation, but the promo lower thirds looked nice and made good use of the logo in white. Will happily agree that the Times New Roman is hideous.

Also, I know it was 2006, but who thought dark blue and bright orange would work well together??? Foul.


Channel Nine Sydney - Sunday 5/3/2006


PG Classification Warning:


Promo Endtags:


It wasn’t just the use of Times New Roman (or a serif font) is that it was mixed in with dull sans serif font. It’s was just a lot of bland.

That said I did like the music bed they used for the original set of idents.