Blackface: A MediaSpy Thread

Really? Tell that to Donald Trump.

Inotherwords, other kinds of stereotyping is 'considered" fine and dandy. Just not when it comes to black people.

Inotherwords, stereotypes of Trump = OK. Stereotypes of Barack Obama = racism.

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No not at all… I think most people find Jewish stereotypes to be fairly crude as well along with the portrayal of gay people as limp writsted fairies… not to mention the Irish as stupid… that’s 3 off the top of my head I’m sure there are plenty of others.

Exactly my point. And… wait… let’s see… there was just … I dunno… one category that was missing there…???

Oh yes, old white men…

Yeah but we aren’t talking about Donald Trump… we are talking about Megyn Kelly and what she did.

Which was to say that a girl should be able to dress up as Diana Ross. Which she should.

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This is my exactly point and Jens didn’t really address my point. If he or she looked into the history, then that particular member of this forum would be able to see the whole history of Blackface, the salvery and why it’s still haunts the African American race till this day. Donald Trump doesn’t help matters with his crap either, he’s bought out the uglyness of it all even before he even reached the whitehouse.

I think people like Megyn Kelly try to obviously simplify a not so simplified issue, and for that her comments were met with distain immediately.

Hahah at Jen’s “whiteface” lol ? Who ever does that? A typical response that white people are victism fo whiteface? haha. Typical.

I think you’ll find the 3 examples I gave don’t preclude old white people… plenty of old white guys who are Jewish, Irish or gay… sometimes all 3 in the same person.

I think people shoild just be nice… the mantra should be “don’t be an asshole… to anyone”

Anyway, you have your view that’s fine… to bring us back on topic… Megyn Kelly would have survived if she was rating… she wasn’t… she was a bad fit.


Agreed, back on topic I always felt Megyn was very uncomfortable from the get go with her role at NBC. She had just started before the Matt Lauer shit storm happened. I also think her critiizing of NBC organization of how the handled the sexual harassment matters and other things didn’t win her any favours either.

Again, typical answer. You don’t address the question. Because you cannot argue it. Did I say white people are victim of whiteface? No. Where did I even say the word victim. You are the one claiming it is all about victimhood. I am saying the opposite now.

You cannot argue yours. Typical response form you, but I have had my say on here. We’ll just agree to disagree on this . You have your view, I have mine.

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Yes but they are in identity groups. I personally think the caricatures of Trump are fine, but then I think all caricatures are fine. Do you all think the caricatures of Trump are fine, and why?

I have argued mine.

Caricatures generally fall under the catergory of satire rather than stereotyping, the 2 aren’t mutually exclusive but when the subject is a public figure I think it’s fair to say it falls under reasonable satirical portrayal.

In answer to your question I have no problem with satire focused on any public figure, particularly politicians. In fact I think it’s an important part of the democratic process.

OK, now we’re making some sense. So a President Obama caricature is fine as well, right?


Done by a white person?

Sure… but let’s be clear there needs to be a point to the satire, if it’s just that he’s a black man etc then I see no point in that… if it’s taking issue with the record as President then that’s fine.

The same with Trump, if the satire is that he’s an old white guy then I wouldn’t support that… but if the caricature calls into question his policies and actions then that’s fair game.


Not quite. Blackface is more than just painting on a fake skin colour, its a distinct genre of music hall entertainment where black people were portrayed (by white people) as dumb, simplistic and inferior. They spoke in ersatz black dialects and caricatured the lives of slaves living on plantations.

There were shows entirely comprised of these blackface routines from the early 1800s all the way through to early radio and film up until the 1930s. By that point people had started to realise that it was insensitive to black audiences (something Kelly fails to grasp almost 80 years later).

Of course, blackface hasn’t stopped actors portraying people of other races in make up. See Mickey Rooney’s portrayal of an Japanese character in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, or Peter Sellers as an Indian actor in The Party, or Fisher Stevens as Ben in Short Circuit in 1986.

Of course there is still debate over Hank Azaria’s portrayal of Apu in the Simpsons, given the show is full of stereotypes anyway. And Robert Downey Jr restarted his career with playing an Australian actor in blackface in Tropic Thunder. Similiarly the Chaser escaped with virtually no criticism for a blackface skit of the Jackson 5 in their Election Coverage in 2007, whilst Hey Hey copped massive criticism for a similiar stunt in 2009 (perhaps a sign of how behind Australia is on issues of racial sensitivity).

The stereotypes of Donald Trump are drawn primarily on a caricature of the image he himself has pushed to appeal to people who don’t like PC.

I think free speech allows for the deconstruction of the images people create and the ideas they have, but not the inferiority of their race.

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Didn’t a black guy dress up as a white guy at the recent Oscars or some awards? Black people have caricatured white people as well. I’m not trying to deconstruct and parse your comment but you didn’t mention that - only white people portraying other races…

And when you say “not quite” at the start of your comment - well, yes quite. You’re saying you’re allowed to caricature Trump’s face but not allowed to apply black paint on one’s face to caricature President Obama - if I am reading your argument correctly.

And your Trump argument is pretty flimsy. I mean - just google orange Trump. So because , in your words ,he has “an image he himself has pushed to appeal to people who don’t like PC” , then there is some “license” to caricature him but it’s not OK to caricature Obama?