Big Brother

Can’t wait for this to launch to around 450k and be burnt off late at night after re-runs of Unspecified Animals Make You LOL


If it’s a family friendly version then it will be shit. People want to see it warts and all and not some shitty over sanitized version that most of sevens programming resembles.

I’m saying that they must’ve seen the success ten have had resurrecting the big international reality formats to much success and wants a piece of it.


Likely if Seven doesn’t do it right, I’m a big Big Brother fan but didn’t make it through the first season on Nine.

Seven needs to bring it back to basics, no gimmicks and have live streaming 24/7 (even if they did as Ten did and limited watching unless you paid).


I am sorry people saying this is the best idea from 7 are not thinking straight. This is not a good idea from 7. Yes they need a younger audience. But you don’t do that buy getting a show that aired first nearly 20 years ago. Its a tired format. There are so many formats across the globe with a similar premise that they could have targeted yet they go get Big Brother. Now don’t get me wrong I was a fan of Big Brother but I just think the days are done from Big Brother in Australia.

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They’re very reliable. You’ll eat those words lol

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This is 2019. We live in a far more politically corect and sensitive society than in the early 2000s. I can bet you there will be many controversies if a PG rating isn’t strictly enforced.

Go to Season 20 and 21 of the US version on Wikipedia and look at the controversies section to see what I mean


If that’s the case the show will flop big time again. Who wants to watch an overly sanitised heavily censored version of Big Brother?

I get what you’re saying but that will flop. People want to see uncut and uplate versions with 24/7 streaming. This family friendly nonsense is an instant turn off for the target audience then seven will be stuck with the same aging audience profile that lets them keep their head above water


I watched the first couple of seasons of Big Brother but lost interest after that. I will not be watching this.

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I think there is a fine line between saucy, cheeky and “naughty” (which would be ideal for the format) and controversial and inappropriate - If they can stay on the right side of the line, then I could see this rating reasonably well.


Exactly. It’s one of the things that killed off Big Brother on Nine as well as the lack of live content and all over the place scheduling.


I agree 100%.

And a terrible host. God she was awful.


I found her pretty likeable to be honest

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Speaks in cliches and is not fairly intelligent.

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At times it also felt like she was reading off an auto cue.

Who’s gonna host? Mel Doyle? Johanna Grigs? Gretel? Cash Cow? I just hope they utilize 7mate for live streaming and naughty bits.


I understand both sides of the argument about reviving Big Brother. It’s a show which will undoubtedly fill a lot of holes in their 2nd half lineup whilst potentially attracting the younger audience Warburton is seeking. However, diehard BB fans and potential viewers will be put off if the show isn’t done properly or if’s just the ‘same old, same old’ but on a different network

Think for it to perhaps have some chance of succeeding, a few things need to happen:

  1. It can’t be a ‘family-friendly’ version nor can it be simply a rehash of what the program was like when 10 originally aired it. The format of this new version needs to evolve so that it’s ‘fresh’ (eg; by perhaps incorporating elements featured in overseas versions of the show like ‘Head of Household’) whilst not alienating diehard fans.
  2. Seven can’t be ‘half-assed’ about this (their revival of The Big W Price is Right a few years ago comes to mind) - if they’re going to revive Big Brother, they need to do it properly (eg; having consistent scheduling, not just airing daily shows and evictions, having a big promotional push during the Olympics, etc).
  3. Most importantly, this needs to be a ‘modern’ version of Big Brother that would fit in comfortably in 2020. What I mean by that is there needs to be lots of social media engagement, 24/7 streaming on 7Plus, using perhaps 7mate for additional shows (eg; a daily companion program or ‘Uncut’)/live coverage from the house, etc.

I agree with most of that. However, I can’t see a U.S. style show working

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The part of that article which says it fill a lot of hours really is the clincher for me. Seven have A LOT of hours to fill over the year show after show failing to fire this year.

If casting is right and the tone of the show is right, then the audience will be there (at least more than what they are currently getting which has to be their aim)