Best and Worst Radio Station Logos

From 1975 until 1981 this was 2SM’s iconic logo. It was actually developed by 4IP in Brisbane and used by 3XY, 2NX and 2SM. It can be easy to forget why the logo was such a classic. Obviously it included a record and 2SM was a music station. Back in 1975 denim was very much a symbol of youth and to some extent it represented rebellion. Denim jeans were not allowed into most nightclubs - they were considered too casual.

The most daring part of the logo was the zipper being undone. Today you would not even notice it but back in 1975 it was a daring image - it was pushing the limits.

The logo was designed within a circle for the record- giving it symmetry and wholeness.

The logo was dumped in 1982 when the station adopted its “More Music” positioner, although they kept the 2SM font from the zipper logo.
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In 1983 it was a brand new logo for “The Power” branding. Any resemblance to the denim logo was gone.
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The 1984 “Rock fo the 80s” logo was ripped off from several American radio stations:
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And any clarity had completely disappeared when the 1986 logo was adopted!
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