AM and FM DX

I never received any of those down here. Only thing other than Taree I received on this frequency is E-Skip.


For me, having multiple antennas helps with the Orange/Batemans Bay co-channelling.

I recorded the video below just now. The west-facing aerial gets Triple M Orange while at the same time, the south-facing aerial gets ABC Local Radio from Batemans Bay:

Checking a few minutes ago ā€“ on my west-facing aerial, there was something weak there. Appears to be the same song thatā€™s playing right now on 93.9 Roccy FM. So I guess itā€™s ROK FM Parkes?

Yep, the Riverina stations were coming in on top of local stations on 88.3, 89.1 and 89.9 for me also.


Itā€™s still there. PI Code=0000 as received from The Hill early this morning. Other data are missing.

Not much to write home about this morning; just local enhancement. I did receive 90.5 2MNO/t Cooma town with RDS though, a first from here. 93.3 isnā€™t running RDS. A pity both of those are blocked for you @Radiohead . Congrats on receiving QBN and (f)Artsound 90.3.


Thanks, I forgot to mention I had 2BRW quite strong last night too, was up to 28 dbuv at one pointā€¦ also noticed Song Info in the RDSā€¦ is that new?


Only when weā€™re running automation. When thereā€™s a live presenter the RT will say the name of the show e.g. ā€˜Martinā€™s Morning Mixā€™.


Ah thanks that explains it as Iā€™ve seen a few of the presenter program text info like you said - that seem to stay there during the program.

Another lovely summer evening with a NE.

More tropo, though mostly coastal so far, but seems good enough to see that 100.9 RN Bega seems to have lost its stereo pilot. That was the only RN one I ever saw with the ST lit up. Is that new?


Meanwhile the last couple of days and nights here have been a total bust. Convection storms have been brewing up, with lightning affecting nearly everything. Been noticing it affecting my normal troppo catches with dropouts on FM.

MW on the other hand is totally unlistenable in DX, even some of my normally clear semi locals are filled with the lovely sound of lightning.

891 ABC Adelaide pretty much sums it up.


Yeah, AM is almost unlistenable sometimes, even without lightning.

I do wonder what has caused the increased amount of noise on AM these days compared to 30-40 years agoā€¦ is it Wi-Fi, is it more electronic tools that tradies use, is it more poorly maintained AM TXs, or a bit of everything with more densely populated cities?


Itā€™s a complicated story, but to put simply itā€™s man made noise thatā€™s become much stronger than it had been in the past. Everything going digital hasnā€™t helped the shielding in some devices. That being said, even back in the day there were lots of devices that spewed interference on the MW band (looking at you, cheap CRT TVs with poor high voltage shielding)

Meanwhile out on the land, AM broadcasts are as good as they ever were, especially with vintage farm equipment that is in good working order. No such thing as WiFi noise out here :smile:

I like the sound, since where I grew up FM coverage was next to non existent, and mobile phone coverage was equally as terrible. Basically it was this or you put up with nothing.

All of the noise has made DXing quite a challenge in built up areas, even on FM Iā€™ve noticed some level of interference.


Yeah, even with the TEF, i still get a few birdies on FM, something you probably wouldnā€™t have gotten 30-40 years ago, i certainly never heard them back then.


In the past the biggest sources of interference in a house were fluorescent lights and the CRT. The TV didnā€™t noise (a whine) travel too far but static from lights could blanket the whole house. These day, plasma screens are terrible; but nearly everything else in the house adds to the background noise.


People owning and using more electronic devices
Cost prioritised over proper shielding of devices
Switchmode power supplies/tech with high-speed switching (they also create birdies)
Digital technology/devices
Older incandescent light bulbs contained only a filament that didnā€™t cause interference (unlike modern lighting)

And how could I forget: Solar panels (inverters)


AM for me seems to die when I have any LED lights on. its horrible reception anywhere in my house at night time due to having a light on.


Except for the electric fenceā€¦ tickā€¦, tickā€¦, tickā€¦, tickā€¦, tickā€¦


Big enhancement from the south this afternoon with the southerly mixing with the hot air.
Power fm close to local strength with full RDS.

Vox fm hitting RDS strength too but has dropped off a bit now.

Also some weak Pulse fm in noisy stereo.

Wollongong Tv has reduced quality so tropo probably going to switch to the north.



Iā€™m a new member here from the UK, but Iā€™m finding the Australian TEF servers fascinating, with a good variety of stations available - community radio in the cities in particular.

Anyway, Iā€™ve been tuning around on the Mildura server and there is some good tropo there with RDS from the main Adelaide stations. A few more interesting logs also:

104.5 Connect FM Keith/Sugarloaf Hill (Community) weak but ID heard
94.3 5MU Mount Barker/Mount Summit Rd, also weak but ID heard
101.5 Radio Adelaide Adelaide/Mount Lofty (BAI) a lot weaker than the other Mount Lofty signals, but confirmed by comparing with the stream
107.9 an UNID pop station mixing with ABC Ballarat


Nice to see you here @Nick_G ; I think I know you from another forum.

107.9 most likely 5RAM Adelaide (Life FM/Radio Alta Mira).


Good to hear youā€™ve been enjoying using it. Iā€™ve gotten some good e-skip catches on it as well, detailed in the server info.

Soon Iā€™ll add a link to the Icecast stream thatā€™s running on the same server, comes in handy while listening to it at work :smiley:


Thanks guys.

@ninkeon58 - whatā€™s the furthest tropo signal youā€™ve had in Mildura? The band has lots of empty space in flat conditions so there is lots of potential for DX to fill up the gaps.