I went there too for one of my trips some years back. I can’t remember too much of the DXing experience. Maybe I need to search mediaspy. I probably posted there. I could get DAB climbing a hill.
Same here, Assuming they are using the same Fm antenna, maybe they are broadcasting below their assigned ERP.
Did you enjoy the balmy weather? All of those you listed are permanent reception around Oberon; you can even get Sydney DAB in some parts.
The highest elevation spot you can drive to is Shooters Hill fire tower, a renowned snow chasing spot. Take the Shooters Hill Road (obvs) and look for the forest road Riverview Road. Then almost immediately left onto Tower Road which will take you to the top (1354 m ASL). These roads are in good condition and are easily navigable in a 2WD…except in a decent snowfall when chains might be required
Yes, the thermometer in the car was showing 4° C during the afternoon.
~280km for the Central Western Slopes ABC stations seems pretty impressive for permanent reception just on the car radio.
I was actually on Shooters Hill Road when I did the bandscan – no snow, however, even though there was a sign out saying that there was snow on the road.
There seemed to be a lot of Canberrans around for some reason (based on the large number of ACT number plates I saw).
Possibly using it as a way to northern NSW for the school holidays. I intended to go that way to Coffs. I will be using the Abercrombie Caves road though, since my travelling companion has never been on that road.
I had to deal with falling ice during my last visit to Shooters, with a little dusting of snow on the ground. They do go overboard with the snow/ice signs. 4C and thick drizzle/low cloud is pretty common for that part of the world.
Coony is there much of the time in NW Sydney don’t forget- though it would be interesting to see how much of it you get with minimal flight activity.
The video to VOA Botswana Africa 909khz received at Hay NSW. If anyone can identify the mystery country heard 1st (at start of video) before VOA, thanks.
Also 6NA Narrogin WA 918khz
I think they like the weather! Just like home.
Nah- Oberon is a lot colder than Canberra, at least during the day. Oberon is almost twice the elevation for a start and receives a lot more cloud from the west as well. On the day of the early June snowfall it was extremely bleak on the Central Tablelands and even around Cowra yet sunny down here.
Bringing this back to DX- I’m surprised that 105.5 was chosen for Oberon’s 2BS relay, given that both Coony and Canberra make it into the district. I think 88.1 Burraga is off air again as well.
Agree, does seem like an odd choice of frequency. Even a slight shift to 105.3 would make more sense, when NEW FM and KIX Country don’t really travel well in that direction.
I’ve never been able to get anything on 88.1 in my travels to the Central Tablelands, not even in May last year when I drove from Blayney to Crookwell. Should have been receivable at some point on that road I would have thought.
BTW - coming back from Hay NSW, we didn’t hear the Batlow TXer on 92.5, so we assume its off air
88.1 was on consistently from about the mid 2000s to the mid 2010s; operations have been sporadic since then. I logged it a few times from Oatley over the top of 2RDJ. It also put a strong signal into Numeralla during tropo.
Yes, most of those self help SBS transmissions in southern and western NSW now seem to be off air.
Cobar is an SBS oasis however, with TWO stations (Chill and Pop Desi) on FM there.
Lucky them , no doubt the Cobar area has the perfect target audience. . 2du and zoo fm go into there as well? I guess.
Yes they do.
No Hit 93.5 into Cobar yet (though 102.1 has been assigned to them for that).
Ironically in Geelong and the Bellarine, 1341 is off air because I believe the Melbourne Based Chinese Owners can’t pay their Share to Grant Broadcasters do they turned the Transmitter off, a good day to get 3MP from the Mornington Peninsula.
You might be able to get SKY Racing Newcastle at night on 1341 in Melbourne then also?
I wouldn’t have thought the presence of 1341 would prevent reception of 1377… 36 khz spacing should be more than enough to prevent adjacent channel interference unless perhaps you are right near the transmitter.
Even in Perth, 1170 6AR coexisted alongside 1206 6KY/TAB Racing for a number of years.
But Radio National in Perth’s on 810am.
6AR was the precursor to Noongar Radio (6NME), the First Nations community station. Radio National in Melbourne was 3AR as you allude to, but this was not the case elsewhere.
Before Radio National callsigns were standardised across Australia, RN Perth was 6WN (WaNneroo). Other callsigns, according to Wikipedia, included:
Sydney - 2FC (Farmer and Company)
Newcastle - 2NA (NewcAstle)
Melbourne - 3AR (Associated Radio Company)
Brisbane - 4QG (Queensland Government)
Adelaide - 5CL (CentraL Broadcasters)
Of course, this doesn’t explain 2CY Canberra or 7ZL Hobart, but I’ll leave that for others to deduce.
And back in the 10k channeling days, 3GL was on 1350 and 3MP 1380. Just 30 kHz apart.