AM and FM DX

@Radiohead Northern Blacktown area, apparently not far from @Ant5476 whom generally reports similar catches. My location is blocked to the East however which is handy for reducing strong signals from Artarmon (unhelpful though for DAB or everyday TV/FM). Location favours Wollongong over central coast also. 94.1 for example is from the gong, not Central Coast.

I have an “omni” fm antenna (that is not quiet omni, I’d say it has more of a fig 8 pattern) which is split between the Sony XDR and Onkyo stereo amp. The Onkyo tuner is very good but comparatively the XDR is slightly more sensitive and definitely the winner for adjacent channel rejection. The XDR is sometimes able to pull out 103.3 TAB Upper Hunter right next to 2CBA, the Onkyo can’t.
The Onkyo is probably quicker to decode RDS though and it can still tune 200KHz from strong locals (e.g. it will resolve 105.1 Triple M Orange).

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