AM and FM DX

I’ll share my opinion, which is of course only mine, and not the opinion of FMLIST. My guess is it’s permanent. It does seem “spammy” to see Eagle FM logged every hour, and to an extent, the Canberra stations. I don’t necessarily believe they shouldn’t be logged at all, but having them logged every 1-2 hours kind of diminishes the impact of ‘rare’ DX catches and causes them to blend in with everything else.

I receive Edge FM in Deniliquin virtually 24/7, which is 230km. It must be transmitting at low RDS levels, as the signal needs to be quite strong just for PI to be decoded (or it could be due to multipath, as their transmission is vertical only, and therefore stronger on my “noisier” dipole than the Yagi) . Hit 99.7 as well as other Griffith stations, over 410km, are also there much of the day, though generally not strong enough to cause any RDS log spam.

My current settings are 200km/90min, although I might consider increasing that back to 250km if I feel it becomes too spammy.

It’s that tough “in between” distance of “Should it be logged, or should it not be logged?”

That’s very likely the cause. My findings are height makes little difference for local stations, but with DX, 5 metres vs 10 metres could be the difference between barely hearing a station at all, to receiving it with RDS.

The “takeoff angle” of an antenna is influenced by its height above the ground. Some days, a lower antenna may actually perform just as well, or even slightly better, than a higher one. However, this is the exception rather than the rule, which is why the vast majority of the time, higher antennas perform better.