ABC TV - Programs and Schedules

Week commencing 28 February 2021


Sunday 28 February
7:30pm Grand Designs New Zealand: Suspended Glass Home
8:30pm Harrow
9:25pm Silent Witness: Close to Home - Part One
10:25pm Killing Eve: Are You Leading or Am I? Rpt
11:10pm Line Of Duty Rpt

Monday 1 March
8:00pm Australian Story
8:30pm Four Corners
9:15pm Media Watch
9:35pm The Pacific: In the Wake of Captain Cook with Sam Neill: Resolution and The Northwest Passage
10:25pm You Can’t Ask That: HIV Positive Rpt
10:55pm ABC Late News
11:25pm Catalyst: Kill Or Cure: The Story Of Venom Rpt

Tuesday 2 March
8:00pm Foreign Correspondent
8:30pm Catalyst: Mission To Mars: Human
9:30pm Australia Remastered: Forest
10:25pm QI Rpt
10:55pm ABC Late News
11:30pm Q+A Rpt

Wednesday 3 March
8:00pm Hard Quiz
8:30pm The Weekly With Charlie Pickering
9:00pm Aftertaste
9:30pm Why Are You Like This: Hey Rich Baby
9:55pm Adam Hills: The Last Leg
10:40pm Staged: Up To No Good Rpt
11:05pm ABC Late News
11:35pm Four Corners Rpt

Thursday 4 March
8:00pm Back Roads: Eugowra, NSW
8:30pm Q+A
9:35pm Kurt Fearnley’s One Plus One
10:05pm Aussie Inventions That Changed the World: Communication
10:55pm ABC Late News
11:30pm Prince Harry’s Story: Four Royal Weddings Rpt

Friday 5 March
7:30pm Gardening Australia
8:30pm Vera: Tuesday’s Child
10:00pm Mum: Thursday
10:30pm State Of The Union: Dolphins Rpt
10:45pm ABC Late News
11:00pm The Weekly With Charlie Pickering Rpt
11:30pm Aftertaste Rpt

Saturday 6 March
7:30pm Death in Paradise
8:30pm Call the Midwife
9:30pm Harrow Rpt
10:25pm Apple Tree Yard Rpt
11:20pm Press: Don’t Take My Heart, Don’t Break My Heart Rpt