ABC operations

No, seriously, don’t tell me you’ve argued all that time on the assumption I just went off on a rant about one person being missing from a show?

??? One or a few presenters change, makes no difference. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with what the ABC has done, in the eyes of probably 80% of Australians.

Keep going tho, I’m sure this is worth your time.

No, sorry. That’s just ridiculous. You can’t, for hours, with venom, with rage, attack me, having no idea what you’re even talking about, having no idea what’s even happening in this country.

Sorry, that’s just not on.

As for your made up statistic, 80% of people probably want to bring back the death penalty too (or xyz punishment for qrs crime).

Doesn’t mean anything; doesn’t go towards the merits of a case.

I did. Yesterday was IWD, and the ABC joined in the celebration. What’s wrong with that?

I’ve never seen someone get so upset for one day of presenting changes. It’s done. It’s over. Get over it!!


Did The Weekly get an exemption for yesterday? It would have been good to see someone who is actually funny presenting the program.


Ha, now this is something we can all agree on!

…that doesn’t mean it was right, EuroKick. Therefore, when should we have had this discussion? 8 months ago? 2 weeks ago? 3 years time?

I never get that sort of attitude. What exactly is there to get over? What help does stating it’s over mean? We know it’s over. It happened. That’s why we’re discussing it. Because something occurred.

And will be arguing about fake news and alternative facts forever more. :joy:

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If only I’d had the time to join this “debate” earlier today when I first saw some of the comments.

I support Firetorch’s position and understand his incredulity at some of the comments made in here. I’m not sure if some are trolling him just to get a reaction but I like to see the conversation continue, within reason and without the personal stuff, just so that he can defend his position. It always amuses me that someone will flag Firetorch’s comments for moderation when he defends his position vigorously because they don’t agree with his views.

The ABC’s IWD gender equality stunt was stupid and pointless and only served to alienate half their audience. Many of the key ABC presenting roles are already filled by women who have earned their positions based on merit so I don’t see what purpose yesterday’s stunt served. I don’t agree the ABC needs to be totally dismantled but I can see why people get frustrated with the organisation when they pull this PC crap. I can usually ignore this stuff but felt incensed enough to avoid ABC radio and television yesterday. There are shows that I would usually dip in and out of throughout the day that I just didn’t bother with because the issue left a bad taste in my mouth. I have no doubt that bad taste will linger for some time. Yesterday’s television ratings should be enough to suggest others felt the same way.

I’m wondering if “chill” should be another word we add to the banned list.


Thank you!!! There is definite trolling here - and I notice my post stating so earlier today has been removed. Saying I’m talking “alternative facts” and “fake news” for simply, literally, discussing what actually happened at the ABC yesterday is just…it’s actually sinister.

But seriously? Who on earth is flagging my posts when people don’t even stick to the issue being debated and attack me personally? Who’s doing this?

Anyway, totally agree on everything you say - sometimes I feel I’m going mad here. Glad the ABC’s horrendous ratings yesterday prove that Australians feel the same way.

ABC has sold their Elsternwick studios to Woolworths for around $40 - $50 million dollars.

The Gordon Street Studios will now be put for sale.

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Managing director Michelle Guthrie has remarked on the ABC’s “peculiar obsession” with the British royal family and comparative lack of interest in Asian culture.

How dopey. The Queen is the Queen of Australia, and her heirs are heirs to that title. Nothing to do with “British”. Someone with a lack of attention to detail that spouts cliches. Should be no where near the top job of something as important as the ABC.

But yes, (whatever a “peculiar obssession” is - ie. “something I don’t politically like”), let’s dump that for more interest in Asian culture. As if the two are somehow linked or mutually exclusive in any way.

Further, ABC Chairman confirms that the ABC is biased, and doesn’t serve mainstream Australia. This is denied, even though it is glaringly obvious, by left wing zealots.

In his speech he said he was concerned ABC journalists – like those elsewhere – were more interested in same-sex marriage than electricity prices.

“I don’t think it’s changed much,” Spigelman says.

"There isn’t as much attention on the issues of the ‘Howard battlers’, working families, people in the suburbs.

“We should be connecting with all segments of the Australian population.”

And also:

On accusations of political bias, he says: “It’s probably true there are a greater number of Labor voters among our journalists than conservative voters. I wouldn’t have thought that’s unrepresentative of journalism across the board.”

Shame to have someone of such class replaced by a dopey.

The Federal Government has formally appointed NBNCo director and former OzEmail CEO Justin Milne as the new ABC chairman. He will take on the role from April 1.

One Nation is threatening to ­oppose government bills if ABC’s funding is not significantly cut in the May budget, after a planned parliamentary delegation to Afghanistan was cancelled one fortnight after the trip was flagged on Insiders.
Normally trips to Afghanistan by government ministers or parliamentarians are only announced when they are already in the country or left the country, for security reasons, so Insiders is at fault. However One Nation’s demand to have ABC’s budget reduced by $600 million in the forward estimates as punishment is extreme and uncalled for.

The person/s responsible for broadcasting the story should be appropriately reprimanded, but any budget cuts would be a total overreaction.

This is an excuse.

One Nation is more likely than not trying to exact revenge for the Four Corners doco last week.

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Why is it uncalled for? Why should there not be parliamentary representation for those Australians that don’t believe taxpayers should be funding a TV broadcaster? Why is the ABC a sacred cow? If Labor can privatise Telstra, the Commonwealth Bank etc. then absolutely no reason the ABC should be off limits. Unless of course privatisation is not needed in this area because propaganda of a certain type has to be produced.

I don’t personally support their demand in any way, but it is entirely appropriate for One Nation parliamentarians to do their jobs.

As for the Four Corners doco last week, shameful. It was used as news material, practically a leading headline in WA on the day it was aired, with the thrust being that ON is a “dictatorship”, based on the ramblings of one bumbling idiot. Meanwhile, MPs of major political parties in Australia are inappropriately dealing with actual communists