ABC News Presenters and Reporters

Remember this guy?

His door has been left open again! :laughing:


Odds they we’re hoping for the same thing that happened a few months ago.


Early edition coming from news channel studio today instead of Perth.


Finally some HD graphics in the Budget 2017 promo:


iBudget 2017? iThought we got out of the “stick an ‘i’ in front of everything” phase by around 2012.


Jeremy Fernandez presented in New South Wales tonight.

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Annabel Crabb? Really?

It’s ok, she’ll bring dessert.


Nothing wrong with her. Probably the best political commentator in that list, along with Barrie and Leigh.


Yep, she’s a better political commentator than Chris and Andrew.

Jesus Christ.

Excuse me I was just offering an opinion. I do like her political commentating. What’s wrong with that?


I to, was shocked that the ABC would have one of their main political commentators, commentating on a big political event. I mean really!!

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Then say you like her political commentating. Don’t say she’s better than the ABC’s two most senior political correspondents. What a joke.

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Chris is a bit of a joke.

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His political reporting is sharp, insightful, balanced. But, we know why some people might imagine what you’ve said to be the case.

The ABC’s political editor Chris Uhlmann said there was an online “vigilante mob” who loved to attack him for what they perceive as his rightwing bias.
“For whatever reason, years ago, they decided that in their estimation I was too conservative to be on the ABC."

His style is in complete contrast to Annabel who, in my opinion, is rambling, twee, and not so balanced.

I’m not a fan of Annabel either, but Chris’ ‘reporting’ on SA power was a joke.


##Budget 2017

ABC Coverage on TV, iview, radio and online

The 2017 Federal Budget will be handed down on Tuesday May 9 and the ABC has the best independent coverage on all platforms.

We’ll have the first interview with Treasurer Scott Morrison, as well as in-depth analysis and expert commentary from the ABC’s leading political and business teams.

What does Budget 2017 mean for you? Know the numbers, the politics, and the impact with ABC NEWS.

### Tuesday, 9 May – BUDGET DAY

###TELEVISION – ABC, the ABC NEWS channel & iview

The Drum - 5.30pm on ABC & iview / 6.30pm AEST on the ABC NEWS channel

As the press gallery bunkers down in the budget media lock-up, host John Barron and a panel of experts will count down to Budget 2017 and preview what to expect.

ABC NEWS - 7pm on ABC & iview

The news of the day and the lead up to the Federal Treasurer’s Budget speech.

ABC NEWS BUDGET 2017 SPECIAL - on ABC, the ABC NEWS channel, iview, ABC NEWS online and simulcast live on the ABC News Facebook page.

Leigh Sales hosts the ABC NEWS Budget 2017 special with Political Editor Chris Uhlmann live from Parliament House in Canberra.

At 7:30pm AEST the Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison will deliver his second Federal Budget speech live from the House of Representatives.

Just after 8pm, Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison will join Leigh Sales for his first interview of the night, followed by the response from the Opposition’s Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen.

ABC will deliver uninterrupted coverage, analysis and commentary from Australia’s top political and business journalists and commentators, including Barrie Cassidy, Annabel Crabb, Andrew Probyn and Greg Jennett, along with triple J Hack political reporter, Shalailah Medhora.

The Budget Special will examine what Scott Morrison’s definition of ‘good debt and bad debt’ looks like in the Budget, as well as cost of living pressures like housing affordability.

Other guests include Senator Nick Xenophon and Greens Leader Senator Richard Di Natale, along with the Business Council of Australia’s Jennifer Westacott and Cassandra Goldie from ACOSS.

ABC NEWS coverage continues all night on the ABC NEWS Channel. At 9pm Chris Uhlmann will look at the impact for business, with Australian Financial Review journalist, Laura Tingle, ABC Business editor, Ian Verrender and economist, Chris Richardson. And Michael Rowland speaks to the Editors of some of the nation’s biggest newspapers to get their take on the Budget.


Australia is one of the toughest places in the world to buy a home. But we’re not alone. So what are other countries doing to tackle high cost housing – and what bright ideas can we pinch from them? Hamish Macdonald hosts this special report, right after the Budget.

LATELINE – 9:30pm AEST on the ABC NEWS channel & iview / 10.30pm on ABC & iview

Host Emma Alberici speaks to Finance Minister Mathias Cormann and Shadow Finance Minister Jim Chalmers. Featuring analysis from political correspondent David Lipson, economist Saul Eslake and The Guardian Australia’s editor Lenore Taylor.

The Drum - 10.05pm AEST on the ABC NEWS channel & later on ABC

John Barron hosts a special late edition of The Drum with a fresh take on Budget 2017, analysing how it may affect you. Panellists include, Alice Workman of BuzzFeed Australia, Nicki Hutley, Chief economist at Urbis, Ming Long, Business leader, and Jacinta Price, Councillor at Alice Springs Town Council.


ABC will have extensive coverage leading up to the Budget and on Budget night, on ABC Radio and ABC NEWS on radio.


Presented by Eleanor Hall in Parliament House, Canberra, with the Treasurer’s Budget address live at 7.30pm AEST.

Radio coverage will include interviews with the Treasurer, Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen, John Daley from the Grattan institute, Stephan Antony from Industry Super and reaction from the Business Council of Australia and ACOSS.

The following morning join Sabra Lane on AM for more of the reaction and analysis, and an interview with the Treasurer on the fall out of the Budget.

*SA and NT at 7.00pm / WA at 5.30pm

ABC NEWS on radio - from 7.30pm AEST

Coverage throughout the day on ABC NEWS, including the Treasurer’s speech live at 7.30pm. Extended Budget coverage with Cathy Bell on ABC Digital Radio after the Treasurer’s speech, with Parliament and rolling news coverage continuing on the radio network.

triple j – Hack 5:30pm AEST

Hack on triple j will look at what’s in the budget for young people and how it will affect them.


ABC NEWS online

ABC NEWS online will have the most comprehensive digital coverage and latest news on what the Budget means for all Australians, with explainers and a full dissection of the winners and losers. Check out the Budget jargon buster now online, to help you understand what all the terms mean, as well as all the latest news in the lead-up to Budget night at

On the night there will be a live blog with all the latest reaction and analysis of how the money was sliced and diced and what it actually means for people in the cities to the bush.

The ABC TV Budget coverage will be streamed live online and from the ABC NEWS Facebook page. ABC journalist Will Ockenden will be providing his own unique analysis on the Budget, with a special Facebook Live from 8pm (AEST). Alongside him to break down the key budget topics, and scrutinise the numbers and the politics will be the ABC’s Business specialists and political reporters providing analysis and answering questions from you.

### Wednesday 10 May

NEWS BREAKFAST - 6.00am on ABC & iview / 6.00am AEST on the ABC NEWS channel

News Breakfast will broadcast live from the front lawn of Parliament House in Canberra on the morning after the budget is handed down. Hosted by Michael Rowland and Virginia Trioli, the program will guide viewers through the key budget announcements and political reaction with guest analysis and commentary. Michael and Virginia will gauge initial impressions from voters through direct audience feedback. Coverage will include feature interviews with senior figures from both sides of politics, as well as the crossbench. Insider’s Barrie Cassidy will also join the program, looking at the political implications and cutting through the spin from the parties.

RN Breakfast - from 6.00am AEST

Fran Kelly will interview the Prime Minister and have all the latest Budget reaction.

THE PARTY ROOM - podcast

Join RN Breakfast’s Fran Kelly and RN Drive’s Patricia Karvelas for a special Budget wrap, as they discuss the winners and losers, the numbers and the politics.

NATIONAL PRESS CLUB ADDRESS - 12.30pm on ABC & iview / 12.30pm AEST on the ABC NEWS channel

Live from the Great Hall at Parliament House Canberra, Treasurer Scott Morrison presents his post-budget address to the National Press Club.

### Thursday 11 May


7.30pm AEST on ABC, the ABC NEWS channel, iview, ABC NEWS on radio, ABC Radio

Live on television, radio and online, ABC presents the Budget 2017 Right of Reply by Shadow Treasurer of Australia, Chris Owen.

7.30 – 8:00pm on ABC & iview

Following the Budget Right of Reply, Leigh Sales hosts 7.30.

### Sunday 14 May

Insiders – 9:00am on ABC, the ABC NEWS channel & iview

Host Barrie Cassidy is joined by Treasurer Scott Morrison and a panel of Australia’s top political journalists – including George Megalogenis, the Financial Review’s Laura Tingle and The Australian’s Niki Savva who will help make sense of the events of Budget week.

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Where’s the baby!!?? Who’s looking after the baby?!

Guy Stayner is presenting in Victoria tonight.