A Voice to Parliament - News Coverage

ABC have had news program for kids for over 5 years lol… they’ve always done explainers on current news events etc… When I was at school we had one about the republic, and Princess Diana dying, all sorts. Childrens programs do generally target children though, yes, they’re written and presented in a certain way.


I feel this is different though. It’s almost as if educate the kids so they “educate” their parents to vote yes.

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Have you listened to the podcast? I certainly didn’t feel it was doing that but giving some background on the issue and the reason why some people want it and others don’t.


Seems odd to make assumptions about something that hasn’t gone to air yet lol, I mean they’ll probably run though the issue, why it’s come about, what the two sides are etc. Standard stuff.
I guess you’re right in the sense that the more educated are likely to vote yes though.

Can you believe it? - after all the talk about not putting a tick or cross…

Whatever the quality of the article, the headline by the Daily Telegraph is garbage. There is no 'Yes box' to tick. There is one box in which voters should write on of Yes or No. People should not use ticks and crosses. https://t.co/i1Joo5oiMM

— Antony Green - elections (@AntonyGreenElec) September 1, 2023

Saturday 14 October 7.30pm

Referendum Coverage

As the votes are cast and counted, join the ABC for the most comprehensive coverage of Referendum Day. An ABC expert panel will include representatives from both sides of the vote and feature Chief Elections Analyst Antony Green bringing live updates of the count, looking at state-wide and regional trends.


Interesting it doesn’t say who’s hosting.

How can the Liberal Party spend all this money to send text messages to encourage them to vote no?


Hopefully not Dan Bourchier.
They could try Michael and Lisa!

Are people really going to watch coverage on this?

is… is that a joke?

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Why do we need a whole program on it on the night? It’s not like an election where we need to know results from each electorate. It’s either Yes or No.

Doesn’t need coverage like that.

lol ok, guess we can just catch it during the Weekend Sunrise news updates the next morning.

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Yeah exactly.

It’s not something that requires rolling coverage or it’s own program.

It’ll take two seconds to read the result.

We can get results online via the AEC website. It’s the 21st century not 1999

so TV should stop covering all elections?


There should be plenty for ABC to talk about. The progressive results as the numbers are posted. The results per state. Waiting 3 hours for WA (if required - the result could be known before polls close). Comparing results by electorate, by region, by rural v city etc.


Could just cancel all news coverage completely, and sports broadcasts while we’re at it.

It’s completely unnecessary. It’s a one-time vote. Why do we need to know the finer statistics? Who cares who voted what. Put it online for those who really care. It’s either Yes or No. You aren’t voting for a particular person or party who has views and opinions and affects your local area. Why do we care what each individual electorate says? If the country votes yes, then it’s yes, if its no, then it’s no.

If the result is going to be what the polls are showing now, people do not care about this.

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So don’t watch it, then. The people who do care, can.