B. If you have successfully tuned in SBS Food and 9Life on 94 or 84 but still can’t find 9HD on 90 (80 in NBN and WIN areas) or 7flix on 76 or Ten HD on 13 you should now check your received channel list and look for channel 78 - RACING.COM. Select and view that channel if possible.
If you can view channel 78 but cannot see 76 or 90 or 13 you need to recheck the instructions for tuning your television and try again.
C. If 78 is not on the channel list or displays as a blank screen with sound only or listed as " audio only" or “ “no video” you will find that channels 7flix and 9HD and Ten HD are the same. This means that your television is not compatible with the type of broadcast signal that these three channels use.