64th TV Week Logie Awards 2024

The people who determine who is good enough for a Gold Logie are those who are network publicists, who put forward the names for the organisers to pick the nominations from.

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Sad, but true.

The publicist team put forward up to 5 (?) names to be a contender for the Gold Logie. Then a panel of “experts” choose the nominations. We the public then choose one of the top 7 nominees as the winner. Not quite “popular” as it used to be, when the Gold Logie voting was completely open.

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Which wasn’t made by Seven, was made by a third party for them to air.

Yeah but isn’t it about the coverage and the network who aired it and not the producers of the show? Like working dog didn’t win best comedy, it was won by HYBPA on 10 etc

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And is it solely the presentation it’s judged on? Or 7News/Sunrise coverage that bolstered the coverage.

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Upon more reflection I think Tom Gleeson should do it with Grant Denyer. They have good chemistry, their part in the skit with the nominees wasn’t too bad and even more so their episode of Celebrity Deal or No Deal was hilarious.

Given their history around the Gold Logie there’s plenty of comedy they could pull out across the night.

I also think Grant would be better at reading the autocue for serious bits. Sam Pang really struggled at that side of the gig both years.

They also cover a wide appeal for audiences, older fans love Denyer and cynical viewers love Gleeson. It’s a really good match IMO.

Make it happen Seven. And don’t worry about it not being a Channel 7 star. Focus on getting Natalie Barr lined up as your next push for the Gold if you’re worried!


One of the major challenges with the Logies is that the show is dogged by a terrible voting process. The nomination period doesn’t make a lick of sense and serves to offer up an evening’s worth of long-forgotten programming.

To be eligible for the awards show on August 18, nominated shows need to have aired/streamed between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024. Voting then began on 24 June.

This means that Love Me (Binge), which debuted its eligible episodes on April 6, 2023, was waiting more than 14 months before a voting body could begin to scratch its collective heads and try to remember what Love Me was.

About that voting process…

A winner in a ‘Best’ category (ie Best Drama, Best Lead Actress in a Drama, etc) is determined by a combined score, drawing from assessment criteria (30 per cent), audience data (20 per cent) and number of Australian public votes (50 per cent).

It isn’t clear who the assessors are or why this shadowy cabal is entitled to determine 30 per cent of the vote.

Then there’s the ‘audience data’, which is strange and confusing. How is the data sourced? Streamers are notoriously guarded with that information. It seems unlikely that after years of Netflix rejecting industry requests for clear, third-party verified Netflix viewing data, the international streaming giant is going to hand that over to count some Logies votes for Boy Swallows Universe.


Well they’re the same height

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True, eligibility period and voting period is a mess. In the old days the eligibility period was roughly the calendar year and the voting period was a few weeks over Jan/Feb when there wasn’t much else to do, with the awards held around March/April in a 2-3 hour show. Done! (And they used to hand out a lot more awards in those days compared to now, too)

Now we have this bizarre April-March eligibility period which doesn’t align to the calendar or a single ratings year and it takes almost 2 months to vote. And even with the amalgamation of public and industry categories this year, the show (including the red carpet) still ran for 5 hours!

We always knew that the former “outstanding” categories were judged by an industry panel, though i don’t think it was ever known who that panel included? Perhaps as a show of transparency they could reveal who is this mystery panel. (Even the Eurovision Song Contest reveals the names from its jury panels!)

I mean, the rumours in the old days that the voting panel for the “outstanding” categories consisted of a handful of TV Week editorial staff. TBH there is nothing to tell us that anything has changed in all these years and it’s clouded in even more secrecy when the nominees list is now even subject to some arbitrary vetting process controlled by vested interests (e.g. networks putting up who they want to win).

I mean I know it’s only the Logie awards and for so many people it’s ‘who cares’ but TV Week could do so much for any remaining credibility if it was more transparent about the eligibility and voting process, tightened up the eligibility/voting period and not run a 5 hour show. Maybe take a leaf out of AACTA’s book and have the big prime time show for the public voted awards and the smaller, more intimate gathering for the industry voted and Hall of Fame awards.

Mind you, the ABC can’t talk if it’s holding up Gold Diggers as being some hidden gem that was poorly done by. It wasn’t great and it should count its lucky stars it got the one nomination that it did.


Agree that the eligabilty period is a mess. Why April to March, then have the Ceremony in mid-August, some 5.5 months after when the eligabilty closes? There was nothing wrong with having it a calendar year eligabilty. Voting for a few weeks in January and February, and have the Awards early April.

Seven and Nine can have a voting campaign in Jan for the public to vote when the Cricket and Australian Open is on. Instead of this silly voting system we have now. Where we cannot choose the nominees for the popular awards.

And there were heaps more Outstanding Awards back in the day to, compared to recent years.

And i dont get the secrecy in who votes for the Awards. Is it rrally just 3 or 4 people who vote? Or is it dozens? We’ll probably never know


I also thought the part about having ratings taken into account is also very dodgy. How do you compares FTA ratings with Foxtel and Netflix. How do you compare ratings for a show that had 10 episodes to one that had 50 etc. Or one that is a one off grand final to a complete season of a sporting code. Of what about Bluey that airs worldwide as well as on FTA?


From what I’ve heard, each network submitted audience stats that are of different values. Some were the linear ratings, some streamers gave solid numbers, others provided social media stats, impressions, clicks, and even “Number 1 on ___ for X week” as an audience stat. So it seems it’s comparing Apples with Oranges, but I hope that clears some of it up.


so how do they settle on a uniform scale to say xxx show ranks #1 and show yyy ranks #2 and so on… when each network/streamer is reporting by different metrics of different data sets? Just seems like a meaningless scale that can be manipulated. Just ditch it and stick to 50/50 between public vote and industry/peer vote.


American comedians Will Forte and D’Arcy Carden were roasted by Sam Pang early in the Logies broadcast. Will and D’Arcy have been in Sydney since July, filming new series Sunny Nights for Stan.


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Seven’s Larry Emdur celebrates his Gold Logie win with a live TV butt tattoo.#MediaBites #MediaWatch pic.twitter.com/01TssdKuST

— Media Watch (@ABCmediawatch) August 22, 2024


Seven and 10 have run some congratulations for their winners. Haven’t noticed anything on Nine.


Seven posted on its Instagram account yesterday a behind the scenes video of the red carpet.


Good to see Seven and 10 promote their cast and programs during the week with their Logies wins.

As for the length time of the ceremony, as discussed earlier, we all know how long it is. Last week, each award given was presented by a different set of stars. Thus dragging out the ceremony. By the time the announcer would tell us who was presenting the next award, and then they walk on stage with applause, and they’d all have to tell a joke to drag the show on, all this adds on with time. Some stars can present two (three max) to lessen the time.

Also, how good was Lisa McCune when presenting the Gold Logie. To the point. She said something to the likes of “it’s late, the Gold Logie nominees want to know who wins. Here are the nominees”

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