60 Minutes

normally there is nothing from the age or SMH till the story is about to air

So itā€™s about Ben Robert Smith?

Is this one going to get legs? Appears so. Whoever this soldier is once itā€™s hit 60 itā€™s game over

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and as i predicted just as the story was airing the age had it as a breaking exclusive

Brilliant reporting here. If this doesnā€™t bring that pig Ben Robertā€™s Smith down nothing will. Such an entitled twat. How seven still employ him is beyond me. Shows exactly what theyā€™re about right there.


Weird that he would bury the USBs instead of destroying them. He must have kept them to look back on the memories.

Perfect timing for Anzac Day too!

Just curious, does anyone know the circumstances of why he was employed by Seven anyway?

Iā€™ve always never understood the controversy around the time when Yumi Stynes and George Negus mentioned something about picking up his brains from under the pool on The Circle considering someone like him was a corrupt war criminal so not sure why he is considered to be someone capable of a high profile position at a media network.

and Yumi got so much shit for it.

Now thinking about it, they were actually being polite about it. Any good old journalist like Jana Wendt, Ray Martin or Stan Grant wouldā€™ve grilled him to his core. Yumi and George were being generous.

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Classic old boy old mates club sort of setup. Seen that shit in enough workplaces and very few get taken down and held to account. I cannot wait one day to be in a position to crush those sort of circles. Seeing men protect other men in big corps including mine is just utter bulldust.

This Journo is the only 1% that can break those things apart.

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Good grief this is horrendous. Such a horrible person. Should be stripped of all of his military honours. The Victoria Cross is too honourable for this person.


Read the articles online about the tapes and what he says about seven and the people that work there. Not sure why people think heā€™s some sort of hero. Sounds like an absolutely horrific person.


The timing of Nick McKenzieā€™s report is interesting as it is in the middle of the defamation trial in which Ben Roberts-Smith is suing against The Age and SMH.


Isnā€™t Stokes part of the committee for the Australian Army Forces or something in Canberra?

Stokes is the board chairman (or something like that) of the Australian War Memorial.

Went to School with Porter. What a surprise.

This is a really important point in light of the language used in both the 60 Minutes & Age/SMH reports. Donā€™t know if anyone else picked this up but itā€™s very noteworthy how McKenzie/Nine at the very least strongly implied (if not arguably explicitly stated) Roberts-Smith as a matter of fact did engage in a cover-up and intimidated witnesses instead of alleging he did.

The difference is the two is extremely important because if itā€™s determined down the track that Roberts-Smith didnā€™t maliciously do either or both of those things, it could potentially put McKenzie and/or Nineā€™s Newspapers in serious jeopardy when it comes to the defamation action Roberts-Smith has brought.

(I should stress that I was shocked by the photos uncovered by McKenzieā€™s report and believe that Roberts-Smith should face the full extent of the law if itā€™s found he did engage in the acts which the report said he did)