Spitting image I’ve heard or dead ringer but not dead spit…
Hi all,
Roman and I put a fair amount of work into this special investigation so feedback is greatly appreciated - our report reveals new footage linking to claims of ‘culture issues’ involving Qantas and their contractors at Swissport. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHeTHvDa3Wc&t=45s&pp=ygUHNm5ld3NhdQ%3D%3D
Nice work Austin. Well produced. Great interviewing. The walking to camera at the end was a strong sign-off. Overall a very authoritaive handling of a worthy story, that the public has a right to know. That’s journalism in a nutshell.
Thank you very much!
Also huge props to Roman, my producer for his efforts in liaising the interviews. Glad you enjoyed
Hope you’ve got a lawyer looking over your stuff.
You think the fee would be six dollars a month to subscribe
Stay tuned! Rehearsals have been in full swing - we are excited to relaunch our digital news product…
Does Six stand for anything? Or was it just to mimic an Australian network?
All new graphics and new ways to engage and connect with viewers is launching soon
The original name was HMV “Hawthorn Melbourne Victoria” in the style of the call signs, 6 was purely chosen because it hadn’t been used in TV branding in Australia for years
Would I choose it now? Probably not but six years in no point in a rebrand
plus, you got a lot of brand equity now, so a rebrand would kinda ruin things there
Well now it’d be just your name and it’d be a video podcast talking to conspiracy theorists on YouTube like everything else branded as news.