6 News Australia

Well, doesn’t this underscore the importance of understanding the context first?

Time to take the L on this one and move on.


it’s made headlines on The West Australian


Ah yes, the West Australian, that bastion of journalistic integrity.

6 News made a mistake on this one but the West is hardly in a position to pull rank.


Nova FM are still reporting this.

Looking forward to the return of Media Watch. :joy:


lol really?


Midday update.

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I hope this isn’t another “gotcha” attempt from 6 News without knowing the context.

@Leo_Puglisi6 i would recommend watching last nights report, as it explains that detectives are now under the impression that the alleged murderer may have been operating the phone on Tuesday night.

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What a bizarre thing to say, it’s just a question

What did it say?

A fair bit happening tomorrow… please join us on the hour every hour.
I will also be back with you on Wednesday bringing you up to speed :ok_hand:t2:


Wait what’s happening tomorrow?

Sorry been a bit busy today so bit behind on the news.


Can’t read the rest, did he join or not?

Either way, congrats @Leo_Puglisi6 on being approached. Probably means your becoming sort of a player in the media industry.


You can read. It’s free.

And no, he didn’t accept. Chose to continue into Year 11 this year.


Thanks, on most sites it usually asks me to pay so I thought it was the same. Glad it isn’t.


Hopefully his Maths results improve too :wink:


Low blow hahaha

Good that you are concentrating on your year 11 and 12. I’m going to say something controversial here as if I had to choose between two people with similar work place experience but one had a degree and one didn’t. I would choose the person with the degree every time.

One of your former colleagues who now works at Nine who I hear on 2GB most mornings I would never let him be a reporter on Today or on 2GB without a Journalism degree. Even though he is very good at what he does. I just think someone who has a degree would understand the issues more comprehensively with more life experiences and part of that for me is going to Uni as you learn a lot through that experience. Especially if you go away from home like I did.
There is also a younger guy on Seven who I don’t recall he’s name who is reporting on politics in Canberra seen on Sunrise for the last few weeks who I can’t take seriously who looks like he’s 20. Maybe younger.

Definitely controversial, and I completely disagree.

Just because they’re young, doesn’t mean they 1. haven’t studied journalism, 2. not qualified.

Natalia Cooper was presenting Nine News Perth when she was 19, just after completing studies at Curtin University. She was fresh-faced, but she held her own and was very good at what she did. Just because she wasn’t yet 20 didn’t mean she shouldn’t have been in the role.

Rick Ardon is another example. He started as a relief presenter when he was 19.

Also, you’ll find a lot of the good journalists we’ve had didn’t study journalism at uni nor have a degree in it, especially in the early days. Experience in the role is very important. You can get some with a degree in journalism and they’re pretty ordinary. You can get some that never went to uni, and they’re fantastic.

The 6 News team are doing a good job and gaining important experience in the process. That’s why you get people like Jack Hahn being picked up by Nine, or Leo being invited by Seven. They wouldn’t be having these opportunities if the powers that be thought that a journalism degree was more important than experience.