10 Peach Comedy - Programs and Schedules

Apparently the final season has never been played out of New Girl.

Good to see the episodes are on 10Play, even though a repeat. Just hope it doesn’t end up like Mike and Molly and Malcolm in the Middle , change timeslots multiple times, go away for a few weeks , come back etc.

The final season of New Girl is playing 5pm Saturday’s on FOX8.

I meant on free to air. From memory FOTB stopped at Season 3, Ten was playing double episodes every day on Eleven at the time , just before they lost the Fox deal.

Foxtel had first run rights to FOTB before but not New Girl? Foxtel also has Bob’s Burgers new episodes? Wonder if Bob’s Burgers will return though if they did get it, not like they have anything to pair it with…

Hope 10Peach can get Speechless and Star Back And Screen Them Out Of Ratings.

I hope they do get Speechless but Star is awful.

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Peach content on 10 play

Was surprised the FOTB was available on catchup again despite being repeats and been on before also Malcolm in the Middle on catchup too.

Maybe Ten was able to have it either really cheap or free as part of the new deal.

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Didn’t they owe hundred of millions to Fox ? so that was why programming was cut ? Did they pay it back ?

They had signed multi-million dollar multi-year contract. When they weren’t prepared to keep paying their instalments, they broke the contract, so Fox stopped supplying programs.

Whatever new contract they have now is separate.

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It’s a little bit late to be showing a Christmas special, or is Ten getting in first for Christmas this year.


Seems like they just bought it because Courtney Act is going to be on DWTS.


No. They stopped The Flash mid season 2.

The original Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is on 10 Peach tomorrow night at 8:30pm.


Seems like 10 are trying anything they can get cheap on Peach hoping something works. :confused:

Theres something else new starting in the 9.30 slot Tues from next week too but the title escapes me.

They are?