TV Magazines (not TV Week)

I bought a copy of TV Soap once around the time it first started. Never read it again since. Surprised it lasted this long. I guess as the article states it will probably see more soap content now in TV Week.

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Hopefully TV Week are smart enough to provide those stories so they can pick up those readers. Unfortunately in the past, whenever a new soap magazine started, TV Week had an expanded soap section but then after a few months they seemed to give up.

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The last ever issue of TV Soap is on sale now. On the cover, it has “collector’s edition: final issue” on the top of the mag, with several Bold and the Beautiful stars on tbe cover.

Some past covers have made 2 pages as a collage , with the editor’s piece saying her farewell. She has been the editor since 2000, which is one mighty good effort. The rest of the mag seems like a normal issue.


Cameron Daddo & Kerrie Friend on the cover of Scene On TV (The Sunday Mail) on this day in 1987, plus a preview of a new series coming soon: Home And Away


Just carrying on the conversation from the “On This Day” thread. It got me thinking about the Foxtel magazine. I haven’t had Foxtel for years so didn’t realise it was still going.

It used to be free with your Foxtel subscription but I believe you need to subscribe to the magazine separately these days. This is the latest issue August 2021:


I remember as a Foxtel subscriber I got the monthly magazine posted as part of my subscription, I always looked forward to it each month and plan my viewing. But by the early 2000s most of the pages were mobile phone ringtone/picture text ads!


In the early days all the Pay TV companies had a magazine. I think Austar might have had the same content as Foxtel just with different branding.

Here’s one with Pete Evans before he discovered capped teeth, tanning beds and botox:


The second page states “circulating in Melbourne Suburbs and Victorian Country Areas” so I presume some country regions got TV News as well as metropolitan Melbourne. But GMV6 Shepparton, SES8 Mount Gambier and RVN-AMV Wagga/Albury were not listed in TV News for some reason. I did not recall any milk bars in Shepparton that had TV News anyway.

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Image descriptions online confirm that the same articles appeared in both Austar and Foxtel magazines. Was this always the way from the start or did they come to an agreement to share everything later?

Did the Optus magazine have original articles or did they share resources too?

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Following the launch of a TV magazine insert in The Australian Women’s Weekly in 1980, the first issue of TV Day, Woman’s Day TV magazine insert (zip-out), launched 40 years ago this week.

The magazine contained only 4 pages of editorial (sometimes even less if they sold some advertising!), one page of movie reviews, 7 pages for capital city listings and 2 pages for regionals. Although I have only ever seen editions covering Victoria, New South Wales/ACT, South Australia/NT/Broken Hill.

TV Day continued for less than a year. The last issue I have is from September 1982 so it must have ended not long after that?


Radio Times for the Jubilee weekend - cover and day 1 schedule.


gosh, full multi-channel listings for the full day (from my cursory only glance)

A certain magazine here should learn how to do that.


Many many channels missing but decent roundup of the major ones

I suppose so, I forget that they have heaps of niche multi-channels there not via the major networks. But it really shouldn’t be hard for the magazine here to include full listings for the multi-channels we have here.

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The entries also include a lot more info on each program than TV Week makes room for.

There is also a preceding page for each day.


The US “TV Guide” has a two page layout for each day. Each edition covers a 2 week period. Each day is listed twice - for Eastern and Pacific time zones.

There is also another section that has some extra info for each day.

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so they only list prime time now? And now it’s essentially a national magazine there are no listings for local channels anymore?


TV listing for next Monday from “Love TV” - seen each Saturday in The Mirror. Each day gets 4 pages in the 56 page magazine.


In the UK - same image used as TV Week