Ten News First Content and Appearance (2015-Sept 2020)

On Gogglebox tonight - one of the couples said “sit down and watch the news” and The Project coverage of the Yes verdict was shown.

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They do when required. Plenty of clips where they note it at the start. Happens for the newscasts and the morning show.

Careful mate, that sort of thinking lead to UK’s Channel 5 replacing their (outsourced) 7 PM bulletin with Live from Studio Five. (2 minutes in).

But seriously most television news can do better to court an young audience. I’d recommend less of a focus on woolies savings and that sort of dross and more on current affairs. Also it’s about time we stop treating people like idiots when it comes to technology (and video games).

Then again, most of my observations are probably rubbish because I’m an anglophilic teenager currently trawling mediaspy. Hardly a beacon of mainstream yoof.


Came across this on YouTube

Credits @SydneyCityTV

This variant of the theme music sounds amazing. I would just love to get a clean copy of the full-length theme :frowning:

No one posted Ten’'s election coverage? By far the best… Tegan carried it well, providing the updates every half hour from 8.15.

Ten were live with the Premier’s speech, then on a short delay for the opposition (compared with the ABC)

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It was posted starting here

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You mean In the opener? I have included that part of the theme in the video linked below:


Ten had election coverage? I didn’t even bother to check…

I wonder if Ten will continue with its two week national bulletin over the christmas/new year period.

Yes they are


Note start times for Saturday 9 Dec


We don’t see Michael Cain reporting live into Queensland very often.

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Hopefully they get some use of the CBS US and UK bureaus, perhaps with some local talent heading up coverage from there.

Here’s the London newsroom:


Oh, so he went to 10 from NBN? When was that?

I think in Early 2016?

Do we think Ten News Melbourne will be providing extra resources this weekend?

is it because of the rain happening across the weekend

not required. one journo can make the story.

They’ll just log onto Facebook at 4:45 and download a few rain videos and call it a day.