Sky News (2016-Feb 2025)

Was that the ‘moonlighting as a set designer’ post?

If so, that’s hilarious.

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I love this line:

[quote]Series links will continue on the SD version on Channel 290. If you wish to series link your program in HD, you will need to delete the old series links and create new instances on channel 602.

Who the hell would series link the news, let alone business news? Do people not understand the purpose of a rolling business news channel?!


there are some shows like Mediaweek and Property stuff at night etc which isn’t rolling, that some people may link.


You’d be surprised to hear how many people do record/timeshift the news (mainly on FTA stations) to watch at a later time because they’re busy when it’s airing live or whatever.

But yeah, I doubt that very many people record Sky News Business on a regular basis! :stuck_out_tongue:

Surely the long delayed new graphics will debut as well.

How much of it will be in HD? Hopefully more than just the studio.

The Australian claims Sky News and Sky Business broadcasting in HD is due to Foxtel invoking a HD contractual clause in Sky’s carriage agreement.

The article also says the channel is interested in hiring Andrew Bolt after Ten didn’t renew ‘The Bolt Report’


A sad indictment on Sky News.

What I don’t get is this…
Sky News went HD but all that’s HD is sky centre cameras and graphics. Nothing else is HD from any bureau or from sky uk. They don’t even air the stuff from ABC and CBS in HD.

Then their weather graphics aren’t HD.

So what’s the fucking point!


New set launches at 9PM.

that rolling set that’s been used this afternoon has caused some lols on social media - I have to say it is a LITTLE off-putting!

Typical professionalism by Sky News. On The latest, its Facebook isn’t thelatestsky or anything like that. No, to follow on Facebook, just search “laurajayesskynews” according to their graphic. Really??

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Uploaded to sky news Australia’s facebook page.


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Couple issues with cameras etc,but overall it’s one of the better Sky News sets I have seen.

Looks good, they need to get the makeup better now they’re in HD, Paul looked ghostly white. Also found it amusing how he came off like Glenn Beck with his standing and commentating style.

Sound seemed off when they crossed to the news desk.


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Set reminds me of the old Today Tonight set (with a BBC/Sky News UK style desk thrown in)

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What’s with the main set is it a green screen behind the presenter? When they show a two presenter shot they are not showing that wall.