Seven West Media

Seven Network chooses FUJINON 4K lenses

The Seven Network (Seven) is one of five main free-to-air television networks in Australia and the largest commercial network in terms of population reach and as of 2022 Seven is the highest-rated television network in Australia. Seven’s Sydney-based news operations currently continue at Martin Place and are soon to relocate to a purpose-built high-definition television production facility at the Australian Technology Park in Eveleigh. The network had a recent requirement for the highest quality 4K barrel lenses to use under robotic control and for those they turned to FUJIFILM Australia and FUJINON.

Seven Network Head of Broadcast Engineering and Development, John Albiston, explained, “Many of Seven’s lenses used in the field have provided over twenty years’ excellent service. The initial aim of the new lens purchase was to ensure the same extended life of reliability with the same excellent results. The new lenses also had to be 4K, extremely high quality and work seamlessly under robotic control.”

After a comprehensive assessment and evaluation Albiston and the Seven team chose multiple FUJINON UA14x4.5BERD-S10, UA18x5.5BERD-S10 and UA23x7.6BERD-S10 4K lenses.
Albiston continued, “We purchased FUJINON 4K models with an S-10 drive specifically designed for these lenses to be used with robotics. The S-10s have well and truly fulfilled our requirements and worked seamlessly both in the field and in our metropolitan studios under robotic control.”

The new S-10 drive unit and FUJINON 4K lenses used by Seven achieve a perfect compatibility with major robotics system such as Shotoku, MRMC, Ross Video, Vinten/Radamec, Telemetrics and KXWELL.

They provide improved focus and zoom operability and include breathing compensation technology (BCT) as standard. This compensation mechanism synchronises the zoom movement with the focus movement to automatically correct for changes in the angle of view, thereby minimising breathing and keeping the image size constant. This function also eliminates the need to reset the angle of view after focusing, providing a high level of operability.

The S-10 also enables the user to change a 2x extender remotely by using an ECU-2C Extender Change Unit and thus, is ideally suited for crane use in a studio.

Seven’s new S-10 drive units and FUJINON lenses are also effective for CG synthesis and come with a 16-bit encoder, capable of making a high-resolution output of lens data including zoom and focal position information. They can be linked with various other systems such as a virtual studio system for combining CG images with live action footage.

Albiston concluded, “Our FUJINON 4K S-10 capable lens field application involves general news acquisition where they give us robust service and superb operational features including great zoom range and speed. The FUJINON 4K glass is, notwithstanding the many HD applications in which they are used. These new lenses also excel in the studio under Mosart control room automation where high accuracy digital servos eliminate any discernible dither when zooming. These lenses are a major step forward for our crews. All in all, the FUJINON UA14x4.5BERD-S10, UA18x5.5BERD-S10 and UA23x7.6BERD-S10 4K lenses with S-10 drives are excellent and the best lenses in the market for our requirements.”

FUJIFILM Australia’s General Manager, Electronic Imaging & Optical Devices Division, Shaun Mah, said, “The Seven Network is at the leading edge of programme production and quality. They expect only the best from their technology and the results they achieve speak for themselves. The FUJINON UA14x4.5BERD-S10, UA18x5.5BERD-S10 and UA23x7.6BERD-S10 4K lenses with S-10 drives are designed and built with broadcasters like Seven very much in mind and I’m delighted they are such a success for this great network.”


New camera equipment for the move.


He’s not really working over there, there’s no secret about that. He’s there on retainer to stop him going anywhere else.


Says it all about Stokes and the upper management. Not sacking him so they can right their stupid decision of appointing him in the first place. Now he’s gone and said ‘You can’t fire me, I quit!’ Which is far too lenient on this shag of an former soldier.


Just as pathetic as their reporting of the findings. Many details which paint a full picture, were coincidentally ‘left out’ of their reporting. Example: Seven’s report did mention he had killed a man who had a prosthetic leg, however they stopped short of mentioning he then used that leg to drink from, and also kept it as a souvenir. There has also been no upload of their reporting on their Youtube channel, nor can it be found on the (I also wasn’t able to find it on their Facebook account); instead you’ll have to navigate 7Plus and watch the actual bulletin to find it.

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You wonder if (perhaps personally or close circles) Warburton and Co wanted to get rid of him ages ago, but their chief Stokes and his closest maybe like his son and McWilliam were making it clear they were on his side, at least initially and funding his legalities.

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It’s a shame that paper is a shadow of its former self.


The stories that make us (defend a war criminal)

The verdict was delivered today.

Full judgment


I believe one of those agencies also recently helped do their new The Voice campaign

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That promo was probably their worst when compared to 2021 & 2022 (imo)


You are right. Emotive helped creating the new campaign according to Mediaweek.


Todd Dickinson appointed Managing Director Queensland

Seven West Media (ASX: SWM) today announced the appointment of Todd Dickinson as Managing Director Queensland, reporting to SWM Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, James Warburton.

In addition to his current role as Sales Director Brisbane, Mr Dickinson will be responsible for leading operational, commercial and digital innovation across the Queensland market while further strengthening Seven’s dominance in the region. Greg Gabel continues in the role of National Regional Sales Director of Local Markets and will work closely with Mr Dickinson to enhance Seven’s significant opportunities in the Brisbane and broader regional Queensland markets.

One of Australia’s most highly regarded sales executives, Mr Dickinson has over two decades’ experience, the past 16 years of those with Seven in previously held roles including Group Sales Manager and Sales Manager Brisbane. Mr Warburton said: “I’m thrilled to announce this appointment. I’ve worked closely with Todd for many years, and he is one of the best operators in the business with a proven track record for delivering results in his 16 years with Seven.

“Todd and Greg will make a formidable team as they continue to strengthen our support for the communities across Queensland and bolster our relationships with key stakeholders including valued clients and partners.”

Mr Dickinson said: “It is a genuine privilege to take on this role. I am acutely aware of the history of Seven in Queensland and the important role the network plays as part of the fabric of our great state. That legacy can never be eroded. “Equally important is our digitally-led future and making sure we are best placed to forge the way – for our audience, our partners and our own people. “It is a genuine privilege to have the opportunity to take on the Managing Director role. I take that responsibility very seriously and I cannot wait to get stuck in,” he said. Mr Dickinson has commenced his new role.


What does SNOL stand for? Saw it at the end of the AFL broadcast (“…produced by SNOL…”). Looked it up and there are many references to Seven so I assume it’s some legal name, but can’t find a reason for it.

I think it’s Seven Network Operations Limited. Probably a division of Seven West Media in some sort of official capacity.


Yes, it’s the Seven Network’s ABN / copyright isn’t it, for legalities? The market stations do too, but are propriety (“Channel 7 Melbourne Pty Ltd” AKA HSV-7 or Seven Melbourne) as often seen in ACMA Investigations. As opposed to using the company/umbrella “Seven West Media” for everything.

Seven Sport use that brand and end-tag, but always reference copyright to the year and SNOL. And in conjunction with the AFL, Cricket Australia, IOC, Tennis Australia, etc where required.

Somebody with better business/legal knowledge might hopefully be able to explain better :slight_smile: