Seven & Ten News (SCA)

Still using Ten-esque OTS graphics in 2003? How odd.


Before TDT was born, Southern Cross Tasmania is a hybrid Seven-Ten affiliate, so their graphics and resources were distributed between the two.


well aware, just very out of place amongst the rest of the Seven inspired package in that shot. Their late 90s package blended them in a very effective manner.

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Nowadays, these fusions are a thing of a past. I’m still wondering what would happen if SC Tas moved out from Launceston, especially in the graphics of their news?

I’m not so sure. Tasmania will retain a studio regardless of who owns TNT. They’ll likely do a “Perth” (Ten and Nine) and move into a CBD office block somewhere, but still the bulletin is so strong in the ratings it would be a bad commercial decision to ever get rid of it.

Southern Cross is clearly liquidating their real estate ahead of a sale. They’ve said publically they are ‘more of a radio company than television’. I don’t think they will wait around forever for media reforms. Indeed the clock will start ticking on their Canberra and Launceston sales before long.

If they become impatient, I forsee a scenario where they divest to Prime Media Group. If that were the case, I don’t see why they wouldn’t read the GTS/BKN bulletin out of Launceston. The Prime newsroom in Canberra is packed to the rafters right now, don’t think they could cope with more!


I know I’m talking about a composite bulletin, but it was the same on tonight’s SC News Tasmania, with Alex Hart mentioning Rachel (filling in for Jo Palmer) at the start of a pre-recorded piece about the same story mentioned above.

During my stay in Tassie, I’ve been watching quite a bit of SC News, which provides a good mix of local, national & international news in a single 1-hour bulletin as opposed to two separate bulletins spreading across 90 minutes on WIN.

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Sam Mac made a special appearance on Southern Cross News SA tonight presenting the weather.


That’s fantastic. Excellent example of an affiliate using network resources to their advantage.


Some examples of the local news inserts shown during Sunrise these days:




Rather interesting to see Southern Cross Tasmania do Local News Updates during Sunrise. Whether they’re live or pre-recorded (I suspect the latter), personally I think more regional stations should consider doing this!


Prime7 does/used to do this for Canberra, Newcastle, Wollongong, Ballarat, Bendigo and Gippsland. Pre-recorded the evening before.


I suspect so - I doubt Jo is working both ends of the day.


Even if it is pre-recorded, they’ve gone into more effort than pretty much any other regional station in producing such an update. Or any metro station outside of Perth for that matter.


Southern Cross SA does them too, breaded as the show thought not as a part Sunrise.

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no prime 7 news for bendigo balllarat and gispland i already said this b4

[quote=“webguy, post:474, topic:239, full:true”]
I suspect so - I doubt Jo is working both ends of the day.[/quote]Could be wrong, but I suspect they would be pre-recorded the evening before. I doubt Jo would be doing local 6am updates.

[quote=“pelican, post:475, topic:239, full:true”]
Even if it is pre-recorded, they’ve gone into more effort than pretty much any other regional station in producing such an update. Or any metro station outside of Perth for that matter.[/quote]Oh, definitely. It’s a great thing to see from them IMO.


Wow who knew SC and Prime7 did local updates in Sunrise.

At 45 seconds they are pretty short and must be played in place of commercials rather than in the show. Perhaps they run when the larger stations run traffic updates?

Regardless would be nice to see these play INSIDE the show with a toss from kochie and Sam (now here’s you local news where you are) and at least 2-3 minutes to get local news and weather for the day)

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key phrase :slightly_smiling_face:


In Prime7’s case, they’ve done it for years