Seven Regional

I am not seeing that. Guides still have Home Shopping earlier than what Seven metro has. Where do you see this?

Fetch tv guide for the next seven days and I was watching the usa today show at 6pm this morning before work.

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Maybe its a few slots. But that post midnight slot is still Home Shopping when Seven had repeats of US comedies and drama

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First time since 1993/1994 that the former Prime stations have reverted back to the full overnight schedule from Seven. They started with a 30 minute home shopper around 12.30am by not taking the first 30 minutes of NBC Today from Seven, then crashed into NBC Today after the home shopper had finished. That was frustrating as you missed the lead stories in the US. Prime may as well have closed down overnight instead after the home shopper finished and be done with it.

I noticed that Seven Newcastle has on my epg, the same schedule as Seven Sydney overnight. I guess the change is a bit like NBN TV when they reverted to Nine Sydney schedule around 2014 when they started airing the 11:30am news weekdays and dropped the infomercials immediately before Weekend Today on Saturdays and Sundays.

The change for Seven Newcastle has come a lot quicker than the NBN TV change to full network scheduling. I’m assuming by the post above, all other regions that were under the Prime and GWN stations are the same except the 6pm news hour in regions air local news services

Looking at next Sunday’s overnight programming it looks like there going back to info commercials.

That was short lived :flushed:

Seven breaches local content rules for Mildura

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has found Prime Television (Victoria) Pty Limited, a licensee of the Seven Network, in breach of the local content rules.

Seven has not broadcast any local content in Mildura during the 16-month period since it has had a regulatory obligation to do so.

The requirement for Seven to provide local content in the Mildura area was triggered when Seven acquired the Prime regional television network in December 2021. The local content rules began to apply to the Mildura service and to former Prime services acquired by Seven in other regional markets from July 2022. This was the first time these rules were triggered following a network acquisition. Seven met the local content requirement for its television services in seven other regional markets.

Under the Broadcasting Services Act 1992, regional commercial TV licensees must broadcast a minimum amount of local news or other material of local significance. Seven is obliged to provide 100 minutes of local content or 50 minutes of local news per week as a condition of its licence to broadcast TV in the Mildura area.

ACMA Chair Nerida O’Loughlin said local content is hugely important for regional audiences.

“Regional television audiences are entitled to content that is meaningful to their local area and, in the case of Mildura and its surrounding areas, Seven has let its viewers down.”

“This is especially disappointing given a network of Seven’s size and sophistication should have been on top of and meeting its regulatory obligations.”

“The period of non-compliance has remained unresolved for more than a year, to the detriment of local residents in and around Mildura,” Ms O’Loughlin said.

Non-compliance was discovered by the ACMA after reviewing compliance reports submitted by Seven.

Following this breach by Seven, the ACMA has accepted a court enforceable undertaking from the licensee, requiring it to


Mildura added to the local news updates list?


Do we think it will be just the bare minimum news updates for that area, or another “bulletin” with local stories out of Canberra with Madelaine and Nick?


Probably the updates


Out of interest, is there precedence for this, i.e. are there other areas they do just updates in?

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Newcastle and Wollongong + The rest of Victoria?


To my knowledge Canberra only gets noodle updates, ironically


Most likely local news and weather updates to align with other Victorian regions.


Yep - Newcastle (and the Central Coast), Wollongong, Canberra, and Regional Victoria (Ballarat, Bendigo & Gippsland)


Seven has also responded to ACMA’s press release, according to Mediaweek:

The breach now identified by ACMA arose out of a miscommunication, compounded by having two different types of broadcast licence in Mildura, one of which is exempt from local programming requirements.

There was previously no requirement for local content in the Mildura/Sunraysia licence area, whereas all other ‘trigger events’ (that is, following Seven’s acquisition of Prime in 2022) impacted markets that had existing local programming obligations. All other Prime licence areas met the increased local programming obligations.

Seven has confirmed they are recruiting a journalist to produce news for Mildura/Sunraysia.


They should have to make up the hours - the punishment just being “follow the rules” is hardly appropriate.

The breach now identified by ACMA arose out of a miscommunication, compounded by having two different types of broadcast licence in Mildura, one of which is exempt from local programming requirements.

If I can work out how their licenses work - they have no excuses. It was extremely clear in the legislation, and you’d think reading that over before acquiring a regional TV network would be worth it.


Of course they knew - just thought they’d get away with it.


When the local content rules were updated, it should’ve been written in that post-trigger content also needs to be provided in a program format, not as short noodle updates in ad breaks.

Regional viewers deserve better.

What about all of regional Queensland where 10 offers nothing, and for many years neither did WIN?
Or do pathetic little updates meet the quota?