Seven Regional

I will soon rename the Seven News Regional article back to Prime7 News @WAtvVideos thanks

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Updated Seven Network Wikipedia Seven Network - Wikipedia

With Prime acquiring


Better have the new additions be in the Seven News page. Wanna help about it, but I don’t have the time to do so.

Same. That’s why they can so easily descend into chaos. It’s a shame because in the past most articles were well maintained well and major changes were discussed.

Yeah, it’s a definite shame. In my spare time, I’ve been going through the articles on historical Australian television shows (such as from the 50s) and trying to improve them despite there being little information left about them.

This one’s kind of sad. It’s the Prime7/GWN7 transition ident without the transition. Just a 7. Not the generic 7 ident either with the fly through at the end - this was made for Prime/GWN just like the others.



Careful with changing too much, 7 will surely try to sue you :laughing:

Ok I won’t do this

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I think that was a tongue-in-cheek reference to 7 suing Cricket Australia (and perhaps the infamous C7 Sport lawsuit as well from 20 years ago when they sued virtually every other media company along with the AFL and NRL), so you should be right to do that.


Can someone please explain to me why the hell 7 regional is using outdated sponsor billboard music from 2019

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Management remains separate between the former Prime/GWN networks and the rest of Seven. From its sponsor tags to news production, the elements of its pre-SWM days remain in place. Once Seven draws the NBN (Kylie Blutcher era) card on them, things would drastically change.

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I think the Prime situation is quite different to NBN.

NBN was allowed to operate without much interference for a very long time and resisted make any mention of Nine.

Prime on the other hand has rather quickly rebranded to Seven based on a staged rollout worked out by Seven (possibly in conjunction with those at Prime). In many ways Prime is already more integrated into Seven than NBN is at Nine. I think some of these “older” elements will gradually be updated over time as they get around to it. Some of these more subtle things will be seen as a lower priority or may even be so subtle that the appropriate person hasn’t even realized it needs to be changed yet, especially if playout hasn’t transferred to NPC yet.


Do you have any idea when the play out contract with TBS will expire? I contacted TBS twice with no response?

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Fair point. It’ll take some time for Seven to put upgrades and shift to NPC for the new regional markets. TBS’ contract with Prime Media will expire eventually, so that’s gonna be one thing.

Both the prime7 and gwn7 facebook pages have been named channel7 regional and channel7 regional WA

both Prime7 and GWN7 Twitter accounts been closed

Great to see some generic Metro channel 7 sponsor billboards for the Commonwealth games rather than a separate one for 7Regional

Not sure why it is necessary. Couldn’t they just change the Twitter handle to 7regional instead?

I agree. It’s not very hard considering they already did it for Facebook.

I’m going to take a guess and suggest that they had difficulties in merging pages, and have done it as an interim measure to drop the Prime and GWN brands.

The links to social media accounts on 7regional/WA all point to the generic Channel 7 accounts anyway. Pretty sure SWM are going all-in on this rebranding exercise, and any references to “regional” moving forward, in terms of branding, will be temporary