Yep, no changes to GWN7 News.
IMHO the graphics for Prime7 News have taken a backwards step. The logo and opener graphics are just dreadful, looks like something made by a first year graphic design student. If you have a red logo and an overkill red set, solid red graphics are not the way to go.
Yes, graphics aren’t the only thing that define a good news bulletin, but they could at least try. No wonder people think regional bulletins in general are second rate. Why don’t Prime7 and GWN7 reproduce the current Seven graphics (but just tone the blue down a bit)?
Yeah, I agree.
The old Prime7 News graphics weren’t that great but the new graphics look like they might’ve been quickly made out of parts from one of those free/cheap “news graphics” template kits you can get on the web.
The number one priority would be advertising revenue. The sales team is always under pressure to ensure the local news is fully subscribed - and to do this, they need it to be distinct and recognisable.
For example, Jenny the sales rep in Wagga might go in to Joe the butcher on, say, Baylis St and ask him to sign a new ad package. Joe will say, “Is Channel 2 the one with the sheila reading the news or the one with the bloke and the sheila? We like the one with the bloke and the sheila.”
Jenny can say, “oh yes, we have two news readers now on Prime 7 - we haven’t been RVN-2 for a while - but I know what you mean, it’s confusing how we keep changing our name and number!”
Job done - they can provide a news service that is distinct and different to WIN and Nine, simply by adding a presenter.
I agree - the new look of Prime7 News is pretty average.
I get that they are a smaller TV broadcaster, budgets are smaller etc.
But good graphics do not cost a lot of money - there are literally thousands of graphic designers out there that could put together an amazing graphics package for Prime7 News - with a new logo, look, and package. Hell - there are many people alone here on MS that could do better. It does not cost a lot of money. But Prime7 has obviously done this in house - and in house graphic teams are often the worst when it comes to levels of standards.
Or, Prime7 could have had the GFX team st Seven version out a package in the same look as 7 NEWS. It’s already been designed - and they have versioned it out for 12 different cities in Australia already - they could have done 5 more for Prime7 - and I’m sure they could have done it for not too much cost to Prime7. They are affiliates after all.
But yea. this is a pretty average look by Prime7
I was hoping for much better in this day and age.
Weather Update
<img src="//" width=“300” height=><img src="//" width=“300” height=><img src="//" width=“300” height=><img src="//" width=“300” height=>
Celebrating Noel Brunning’s 25 years with GWN7.
Edit: There is a video on the Facebook link, I couldn’t get the direct link to play on here.
News Update graphic
<img src="//" width=“300” height=>
Prime7 News promo
<img src="//" width=“300” height=><img src="//" width=“300” height=><img src="//" width=“300” height=><img src="//" width=“300” height=><img src="//" width=“300” height=><img src="//" width=“300” height=>
Local and National updates
<img src="//" width=“300” height=><img src="//" width=“300” height=>
I like red, but still…wow that is too much, and it doesn’t fit the 7News theme at all (I’d think they’d want some commonality with the 11:30 weekdays 7News bulletin).
Gosh those backdrops are awful!
Wow how many different fonts can they use at the same time. Some more consistency would be nice, along with a larger per-story image (it’s so small, like it’s from the 1990s), and of course less red!
I wonder why they don’t use the news version of their logo in the bottom right (instead of just PRIME7).
Just seeing a live cross to Bunbury, does anyone know if regional WA gets this broadcast or used to instead of TT??
My understanding is that regional WA gets GWN7 local news at 5.30, Seven News from Perth at 6 and Today Tonight at 6.30.
Nope, just Prime making very good use of their WA resources.
The opener is a very unconvincing attempt at a low budget knockoff of an American local news opener.
The graphics are, for lack of a better word, horrible. The supers are literally a red rectangle with white text and a gradient. I could do this and I don’t have Photoshop installed.
Meanwhile, the set is also red. There is so much redness everywhere. Surely a cool blue with some red streaks behind would look better, and cost nothing more.
I know that budgets are tight in regional news, but I didn’t think it would be possible to go backwards.
Overall, 2/10 would not watch.
While I certainly wouldn’t say that Seven News has the nicest graphics package in the world, it’s still considerably better than the sub-standard looking graphics that Prime7 News are using right now!
If Prime7 are allowed to use Seven News’ current version of the theme music, then surely it wouldn’t have been that hard for Prime7 to ask Seven to produce a version of their current news graphics but with a Prime7 News (or GWN7 News) logo instead of the Seven News logo?
Probably wanted to “go it alone”
While I’m all for regional broadcasters to brand themselves as whatever and do their own graphics etc, this is stupid. I can barely see the PRIME logo because its red on red on red on red not to mention the very mspaint graphics
I’m sure Seven would have their News graphics available to Prime if they wanted to use them. I mean, we have two Southern Cross News bulletins that both use different elements of Seven News gfx as it is…
Montages from Monday and Tuesday night