Seven Network - Programs and Schedules

Superbowl is niche programming (at least in Australia). Sunrise would rate higher.

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So the post-8.30pm line-up could look like this:
Monday: The Amazing Race 33 (plus 9-1-1 when the current season resumes in late March)
Tuesday: The Rookie
Wednesday: Police Strike Force
Thursday: Showtrial, followed by live AFL from mid March

I assume The Front Bar will be 8.30 Wednesdays when the Footy starts



Is this a compilation program (judging by the promo, although that could of course just be the promo)? Or is it a new episode?

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So are they moving away from just being specifically AFL/cricket/Olympics … is this so it can air in all markets?


Looks like a highlights show.

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Is that just because they’ve used old footage for the promo? They can hardly show what hasn’t happened yet?

Edit: just saw the promo and it was called a “special event”.


That’s what I was wondering.

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Gordon Ramsay or this will flop BIG TIME.


Interesting, as rumours were circling a few weeks back that it was going to be Hells Kitchen rather than Kitchen Nightmares.

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Yep, Though I would prefer it be modeled after the UK version but knowing 7 they would want the scripted nonsense of the US version.

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But won’t Gordon Ramsay appear in the show fulfil Seven’s drama into the commercials. Having the likes of “What does Gordon say to make someone… cry, talk back, swear back, walk off” etc…

But then again, the same can go without having him though (ie - “Biggest episode yet”, “Best episode yet”, “who will cry, swear and walk out”

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About 15 years too late.


Who will host if not Ramsay? George Calombaris?

Don’t be silly. It will be Sonia Krugar of course :stuck_out_tongue:


Didn’t Seven try that a few years ago with Marco Pierre White (who’d incidentally fallen out with Matt Preston and therefore MC and 10)? I recall Sam Frost, David Oldfield, Issa from The Chase as contestants. I think it flopped in the ratings (for that time) and seem to remember it was heavily promoted and anticipated during a major event (can’t remember whether it was Olympics or Comm Games or AFL Finals or a reality show).