From Oztam
Please be advised that the VOZ reports today will be delayed.
The reports will be distributed as soon as they become available.
From Oztam
Please be advised that the VOZ reports today will be delayed.
The reports will be distributed as soon as they become available.
Message from OzTAM
Please be advised that the Total TV Overnight Top 30 program ranking reports on the VOZ website will be available for the current rolling 7-day period.
For program results 7 days after broadcast, please access the full range of Total TV Consolidated 7 Top 30 program rankings.
These rankings reflect the total viewing audience for the report date, including all live and playback viewing up to 7 days later and effectively supersede the Overnight reports.
What this means is that the overnight ratings will only be available on the VOZ website for 7 days.
OzTAM Saturday
Please be advised that the VOZ reports for today will be delayed.
The reports will be distributed as soon as they become available.
Please be advised that the VOZ reports for today will be delayed.
The reports will be distributed as soon as they become available.
Official VOZ ratings delayed this morning.
From OzTAM
Please be advised that the VOZ reports will be delayed until later today.
We will provide an update on the expected delivery time by 4pm AEST
We can now confirm that they are expected to be released shortly after 4.30pm AEDT