Random Thread

If I can find something cheaper online I’ll buy it. Can’t remember when I last bought something retail from an Australian store .


These scams ads are getting funnier, the graphics are way to squashed togther but a okay try


1 year ago exactly I left my last job of 29 years.If I was still working for that company this year I would have reached the milestone of 30 years.Didn’t get there though, mentally I was in a bad place this time last year and I still don’t regret the decision I made to leave.
I think I stayed there that long because I was scared to make that decision to leave and not knowing what to do in the future,but my severe mental health issues ,arthritis in both knees and lower back eventually forced me into temporary retirement .I’ve tried a few activities since then,nothing was working out for me until I started volunteering for the RSPCA,2 months now and I’m still there. I’ve been working about 3-4 shifts a week,4 hours at a time,I can handle that okay so far.
Everyone there is friendly, and has been nice to me,whether they’re other volunteers or staff members , that’s helped me a lot and I have more confidence in myself.
Now I have RSPCA uniform shirts to wear , and a name badge , and I feel like I belong there and I’m doing something useful whether I’m working in the laundry room or in the cat sections,cleaning out their cages,changing litter trays,checking they have food and water,etc.
I’m not too stressed yet that I don’t have paid work,if I could get paid employment at the RSPCA that would be great, I think I’d be happy working with animals.
I’d like to be employed there as an animal attendant one day, my employment consultant might chat to someone there one day to see what they can do for me,maybe offer me part time paid employment with them in the future.


These days if I have to fill out a form that asks for my employment status, I prefer to say I’m retired rather than unemployed. I’m only temporarily retired,if a suitable part time job offer is available to me of course I’m accept it.There’s just so much I’m not suitable for though, like as a customer service or admin role or in hospitality. I don’t have a bright and bubbly personality that most roles like this require :confused:I’m happy to continue my volunteer work for the RSPCA for now


Maybe a job for our resident ratings journalists? :wink:


So Tiffany Gomas has been named as the woman in the AA rant video, in all seriousness I actually do believe her, you can visibly see she’s emotionally upset.

Video (for those who haven’t seen it):

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What does she mean they aren’t real?

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The ghosts. At the back of the plane.

:eyes: :eyes:


Maybe spotted this bloke in the cockpit?



You believe she can see imaginary people?

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She’s probably a schizophrenic?

So I haven’t been exactly myself lately and it’s come out in aggressive ways on the forums , so I do apologise.

Unfortunately things didn’t work out with university of wa , so I’m taking a six month break before I decide whether to finish my counselling course or do criminology .

I am deciding between ECU (my original university) , Murdoch and Curtin.

Until then I can relax knowing I got offers and have six months to decide :grinning:

Personally I am going to continue using the uwa spots gym as I have my trainer there and I have done well to get my sugar levels and my cholesterol down from 6 to 5. The doctor said because of my training that has helped a great deal.

Has anyone here attended Murdoch and Curtin? I am investigating both the courses structure and the teaching staff and also the locations to help me decide and then write up an analysis of what I think would be best for me. I must be honest I found it hard to socialise with anyone from UWA. Found it much easier at ECU.


we are about half way through my daughter’s treatment for cancer and it’s going well. end of the month she starts a month of radiation (5 days a week for 4 weeks) so that might make her a bit worse off.

IN good news i got a call today saying shes been accepted into make a wish. now we have some meetings with them to flesh out a wish (i know she wants to go to disneyland in California)


The parallels of MS


I had a fall while at my volunteer shift at the RSPCA today,in the cat adoption centre while getting out of a cat enclosure.Not badly hurt ,was badly winded,couldn’t get up straight away.A lady who was a visiting the site with her son(looking at the cats) asked me if I needed help so a staff member came to check me out and they had to file an incident report.I’m glad they take safety issues seriously,even for volunteer workers .Starting to get bruises on my knees now and on my right hand,they were worried I’d hit my head when I fell,lucky I didn’t .


I made the list this month on the RSPCA QLD online newsletter as one of their volunteers who’ve completed 100 hours volunteer work


Congrats mate!

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Thank you👍

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Congrats :smiley: