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With thanks to @mubd for the upload, one of those absolutely classic moments of Australian TV from David Marr (which I recall Jonathan Holmes making even funnier when it was replayed about a decade later, IIRC for catching out Campbell Reid again):

Not sure about everyone else, but that would have to be right up there in my list of Top 10 favourite obscure Aussie TV moments from the past two decades.


Kerri-Anne Kennerley has found a new job - a singing trapeze artist in Pippin.



An update to a post made in another thread about a month or so ago. At least a partial answer to one of the nation’s burning media questions, do people in the industry know SydneyCityTV?

Having been followed by her on Twitter today and not resisting the opportunity to ask I can confirm that at the very least, Samara Gardner still remembers meeting me in real life about 18 months ago.

So it seems that I am somewhat known at least among the WIN Illawarra newsroom, since a few other journalists there are (or have been in the past) Twitter followers of mine if I’m not mistaken.

Whether I’m seen by media people in a positive or negative light, it’s hard to say. But at the very least, I hope to eventually be regarded as a more respected observer of the industry than Annette Sharp.

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I would say being from here negative light

She could have just been acting ‘nice’. Obviously everyone is different, but if I was in a position where I was at an event like the Royal Easter Show and I was “meeting and greeting” several people throughout the day, I know I personally wouldn’t be able to remember a brief, one-off encounter I had with someone I had never previously met over 18 months ago. I doubt she would have just flat out said “no I don’t remember you”.


Were u memorable in some way? Like did you wear a clown suit? Or try to get a selfie while she was doing a stand up?


LOL no. If anything I think she approached me, rather than the other way round! Got a photo too which was nice.

Don’t know if it would help to remember such an encounter, but after returning home from the Show I did mention on Twitter that evening about how I saw both Samara and her Prime7 counterpart Sarah Navin there - both journalists did like that tweet.


I bet I get called a fat see-you-next-Tuesday (think about it :wink: ) by a lot of media types, and you lot. :stuck_out_tongue:


Alright, who’s snitching on my boomer prank


What a party pooper comment


Just to prove there’s nothing new under the sun…


More things need to sound great when said by certain people…

Thoughts on Halloween?

I’m probably going to sound like a grinch, but I think it’s the most ridiculous thing to celebrate, especially in Australia. I just don’t understand why we do. It doesn’t fit into the Australian culture. Why must we follow what Europe/America do?


Because multinational conglomerates want our money.

Of course, I completely agree that the fairly recent “tradition” of Halloween being celebrated in Australia (Really, was this even a thing 20 years ago?) is one of those things that deserves to die as a result of the pandemic!


I’ll join you.

Fuck Halloween. It’s just some American BS designed to take more of our money.

I’d walk around in my preferred Halloween costume, but would be arrested for public indecency and laughed at for the size of certain parts of my body, as me in the nude is far more scarier than any costume could ever be. :stuck_out_tongue:


I love Halloween and I know other Australians do. to say this must die is an old man thing to say who don’t care about anyone else bu them selfs