That’s my understanding too
When i first noticed a test signal on 92.3 I thought it was for JJJ. I didn’t know until later that JJJ was going to 107.5
Better resourced businesses back then compared with today’s survival of spending the least. Radio as it should be back then.
Who were the directors of Hoyts when they invested in radio? Who were the radio management within?
Was KQ Labor owned then? Country party premier then in 1959
News report on the opening of the Radio 10 studios - the first in Australia ‘purpose built for AM stereo’
Fusion Media, headed by Mal Garvin who was probably famous for his Breakthrough Generation segments that were syndicated across Australia. It’s ownership of 3AK was not a success and selling it off to Data and Commerce (DCL) didn’t improve things either
DCL had Ron from the Reject Shop or eventually him and his investors join there?
He got in there somehow around that time
I always thought that in the late 1970s 4IP in Brisbane had one of the most memorable and daring slogans of any station:
4IP “A Great Set of Hits”
It could have been varied to slogans such as “Show Us Your Hits” or “Nice Hits”
I am not too sure how such slogans would go in 2019 although they really suit the target market of Triple M in Sydney. Times change.
Yes, slogans like that wouldn’t be viewed as appropriate in this day and age.
Actually it was frowned upon at the time, and didn’t last long at all.
and who could ever forget 5DN had a slogan “When Adelaide Needs to Know”. Enough said.
How much of Adelaide needed to know?
@HUFF do you have survey results?
The ‘A Great Set of Hits’ slogan was used in late 1989 when 4IP was rebranded from Lite and Easy(and Stereo 10 etc) .That didn’t last long at all and they definitely bombed in the ratings back then
5DN led the market from 1973 through most of '76. They traded off #1s with 5AD until AD took over to win 15 straight from 1978 thru '82. DN came back to win all three surveys in '83, at which point my Adelaide data gets a little patchy.
Great what you did supply, thank you, most interesting.
I defy anyone to post a better news theme then this one
Pretty good, though never listened to much 3XY, used to hear this one a bit, not sure if they even have a news service these days on RSN, but this was being used relatively recently (OK, now I bet someone will tell me 15 years or something, recent for me and the station).
That news service when out across the Victorian Broadcasting Network - I think the v/o was “VBN Network News”.
Seeing an old wireless radio dial that had station labels during the Ashes opening titles, was a reminder just how fixed and unchanging Australian radio was for many years.
4GG starting in 1967 just made it onto some of these. The next batch of newer stations probably missed out. Following the successful double letter pattern were 2OO, 2CC and 2JJ.
Image from wiki