Probably best to ignore the professional thin skinned attention seeking troll Ford.

At this stage it would appear what Grant’s stepping down actually involves other than being his choice. The ABC ought to be applauded for publishing his column and allowing him to host Q&A on Monday.

The abuse has continued all weekend since his announcement so it’s not hard to see why he’s made this decision. It’s amazing how those free speech advocates seem intent on drumming an indigenous person out of their career because of words they’ve said.


I’m not up to date with the abuse part of the story but Stan has constantly come out against his employer. He obviously isn’t happy there and needs to go.

Any other person who spoke out about their employer would instantly be fired and walked out the door. Why should it be any different for Stan?

He should have been let go months ago when he spoke out about the coverage of the Queens death by the ABC.

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He has? I’m aware of the NSW election stuff but nothing else springs to mind tbh.

Whilst that is how some employee/employer relations work in the private sector it doesn’t make it right and can mask genuine issues that go on for years without being addressed.

Wasn’t his criticism mhere more of the whole shebang rather than focussing on the ABCs role?

I don’t think it’s just with viewers, from memory there were a few stories regarding his stint at SBS News in 2007, someone may be able to elaborate more on that, but I believe there was a bullying allegation.

Whilst not a fan of his presenting style, the racist attacks are shameful.


he really lives in a parallel universe sometimes


This isn’t meant to dismiss the racism Stan Grant has faced. The comments I’ve seen on social media have been appalling, and News Corp / The Daily Mail only seem to elevate a lot of the attacks.

According to The Australian, Patricia Karvelas is set to temporarily host Q&A from May 29 whilst a search is conducted for permanent host. Fran Kelly and Dan Bourchier are two names speculated by the paper as the new host, as Virginia Trioli and David Speers are reportedly unlikely to take the gig full-time.

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Oh god. She’s a terrible choice.


Assuming it will be coming out of Melbourne for the time being.

Isn’t it out of Melbourne now?

Is out of a job now that Frankly is gone and she’s done it before. Would be a good choice.

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About half the time it is out of Sydney.

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Didn’t he leave Channel 7 under a cloud as well? I won’t go into detail - Google will provide you with the answers. :innocent:

It will leave her not much sleep time before her regular role as Radio National breakfast host.

Frank would be great, but I fear Dan, who I think is terrible, would win the gig as a box ticking exercise.

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He would be torn to shreds by News Corpse and Daily Fail for more than just being very average.

The issue with this show is it allows the presenter to have an opinion and push a personal narrative, something which the ABC should refrain from doing. I have noted this more tabloid style agenda on 730 lately. Speers is another. I picked that up on the recent by election coverage in Melbourne, they got very defensive when a strategist made some strong comments around the LNP and how they are heading for the trash can. No need for them to get defensive, they can question the claims, but I felt like I was watching something Murdoch funded.

I agree on the above though, he was been out sledging his employer very frequently, I’ve seen that happen in my workplace, the person was fired fairly fast.

PK is not the answer. Leans LNP. Need someone who leans in no direction and talks facts not opinion.