Nine Radio (Music)

FM radio can be like that. I have not listen for a while though.

It’s why I listen to ABC talk north of the Murray River, but they have banal topics too.

Get a load of the comments:

A lot of very strident and complimentary thoughts on reinstating 4BH in Brisbane.

Interesting reading.

Often the comments are the best thing about Radio Today, the journalism or what they pass as it is not.


Yes I saw those. Very entertaining. As one points out the gap in the music market in Brisbane is so obvious! For some reason 4KQ hasn’t moved in the slightest to fill the gap for softer/easy listening. If anything they’ve gone harder rock lately so the gap is still there. Aren’t Macquarie night enough to take a look at the ratings 4BH used to get?


I agree, they’ve consolidated their position rather than expanding.

Smooth did a great job of launching with a wider playlist than what it has now in order to help with brining audience across from then My MP and Magic 1278. Likely same with Sydney and the 2CH playlist back then too.

KQ have done none of that.

They are not good at admitting defeat and doing the right thing. Consider the cost of BH:

Announcers for breakfast, mornings (2pm), drive (7pm) + program director & weekend casuals.

Staff cost well under half a million a year. And it doesn’t need to be run on such a smell of an oily rag, a few more live announcers and external marketing can be easily accommodated in the revenue expected of a metro station that is well managed and has competent sales staff.

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Can they bring the Commonwealth games? Looks like another network has it.

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Doubt Nova will actually broadcast any events. They’ll be the official FM broadcaster, Macquarie the official commercial and ABC official non commercial. More money for the organising committee.

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Nova might do some on location broadcasts from Commonwealth Games community sites etc without actually covering events.

I just tuned to “Talking sport” oops I meaning talking lifestyle… They now have a sports show. Is this a new show? I never listened at 7pm before.

Only started today I think, one thing seems certain is that Mieke Buchan will be part of the new team. Anything is better than the 50up Club dribble.

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Well said. You only have to look at how many wives Singo and Hadley have given them the flick and what most of their children think of them.

Family is all anyone has when it’s all said and done and those two are not good at it due to their behaviour.

Jones, well, make what you will of him too.

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I’m confused as to why Singleton was there. He may have a decent sized shareholding but he is a minority shareholder, has no operational control and is not on the board. It appears he still just wanders in whenever he likes just like he did when he actually owned 2GB. Management really should tell him to go away … but of course they won’t.

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The trademark applications lodged by Macquarie Media are:

Macquarie Sports Radio
Macquarie Sports
Macquarie Sportalk

and they have bought the domain name:



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The more I think about it I can really see this idea will end up just being a soapbox for the likes of Hadley, Levy et al. to give them more air time or at worst a full time NTS style station broadcasting highlights of the Continuous call team.

I’d like to think they’ll bring in other sports broadcasting personalities like John Gibbs (not that I can see that happening) and it won’t just be a case of Hadley’s nepotism!

strong text mika buchen is going te be part of the new sports station there will be some name ti be cingirmed as yet.

I think MML need to start working on an eventual relaunch of 2UE.

Look to the past to plan for the future.

It’s the only way they’ll win

These might give them some inspiration… or not :wink:
