Live cross Jordan Fabris near the top of the QTQ 6pm bulletin.
Stumbled over the name of the bowls club.
Very different style to the original Fabbo who had a quiet but authoritative delivery style. This was the 2018 style, ‘bang, bang, bang’, shout it all, force it out.
Sunday (10.11.2018) - Monday (12.06.2018): Neil Breen is presenting Sydney sport whilst Cam is on assignment. Belinda Russell is presenting the weather.
Amber Sherlock might be on medical leave? I did notice that she was wearing some form of ankle bandage on one of her legs last week and hasn’t been on-air since Wednesday (I think).
Even though I’m not a particular fan of Amber Sherlock as a TV presenter these days, I still hope she gets better soon.
Hope she is okay, but is hardly missed. Belinda is doing a far better job, and watching the Telethon, seems to be a lot more popular with other presenters.
She could barely fathom someone else wearing the same colour as her last year, I reckon her brain exploded with however many employees TCN has all wearing blue (as well as any other Sydney Broadcast) on Wednesday
Get ready for a hell of an interesting hour! ft Amber Sherlock!!! - Jokes apart Davina was there at 2.30 for the special breaking news update so where is she now? I’m guessing she had to run off.
Looks like (apart from Jayde) we’ve got some new recruits to do the presenting. Not a bad thing tbh although it’s a bit disappointing that two of the best GC reporters, Mia Glover and Sam Cucchiara has left and is now based at the more-sensationalist Brisbane newsroom.