Nine News Darwin

This is already the best product Mt. Cootha transmits. I said it.


It’s exactly what they should’ve delivered to Darwin when they first axed local production.

A good choice for them to do weather on-location as-well.

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No Paul Murphy?

I agree that they should use the veteran Darwin voice over for the opener.
It would also be nice to see them experiment with the set a bit and have fullscreen story graphics and some angles.

(and of course not this fake backdrop)

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Curious to know how they will implement him. Maybe PT is on a part-time roster or weekend bulletins are coming?

He was tagged and pinged everywhere as being apart of the team - and also travelled up to Darwin a week ago.


Also interesting to note that their Facebook page hasn’t been updated for 21 hours… Bit odd

Content wise, it’s quite good. I’d add some lives at the start. Maybe it’s a personal preference, but I also would not have so many stories crammed after weather (maybe it’s to stop a turn over to ABC).


  • A live shot needs to be added
  • V/O saying " Nine News Darwin with Paul Taylor" should be added. A “Good evening” in the intro wouldn’t go astray either.
  • Utilise the set for OTS graphics and different angles with the lightboxes. ABC manages to do it with just one plasma and Nine News Now used to in the replica Sydney set (as well as a slow zoom at the start). The set isn’t that basic.
  • I hope they use the location weather to advocate community events, not just stand in front of a skyline each night. Festivals, schools etc.
  • Paul Murphy needs to be added for sport (preferably on the same set). Maybe he’s on leave.
  • I’d also give 18.55 weather more time to include NT rainfalls and radars and maybe some more 7-day forecasts for other NT cities. I’d put ‘today’s temp’ as an OTS/super and not an overlay graphic. I’d also move the ‘Catch of the Day’ to the end of weather (again maybe it’s a QLD thing) to allow banter with Paul.

I’m suspecting they will be doing the rounds this week with weather.

They will probably be at either Mindil or Palmerston Markets this Thursday/Friday and visiting local attractions as they go.

They are starting to head into the wet season though so weather will probably move into the NTD studio if it’s pouring in rain.

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A great news bulletin! Just goes to show that Nine can produce a good “regional” bulletin if they put the effort in.

Instead of this “catch all” “local” bulletin that they are airing across Regional markets, they should have just picked a few key markets and put together a proper bulletin just like this one that they’ve got for Darwin.

Combine Cairns and Townsville and have a proper “North Queensland” bulletin, a dedicated Canberra bulletin. Pick some markets and do it properly instead of doing a poor job across more areas.


Awesome bulletin, but the outro is too long as well as the mini stories after the weather is a waste.


Very positive reviews on the Facebook page:

Except for this one

What a complete flop, can’t spell the suburbs names.

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Can’t wait to see what they have to say about hearing of Sydney stories on the weekends.


I don’t know how this would sound but couldn’t they potentially get Jono Uptin to do weekends and work out a way by pre-recording stories etc sort of like a 10 News First Brisbane/Sydney model?


Tonight’s weather coming from Stokes Hill Wharf/Darwin Waterfront.

Lots of exclusive/first on Nine stories as-well.


Easy to do when you’re one of only two bulletins and yours airs fist :wink::joy:


Tonight’s bulletin - Presented by Paul Taylor and Zarisha Bradley.


At the moment, Nine is beating ABC by large margins with the amount of local content being presented.


Didn’t Nine Darwin historically take the Sydney news on weekends for many years?


So, like in every market where they both run bulletins? haha


Yes, but the ideology of people change when they are given a 7 day bulletin (as they also had for many years).
Then they reverted to the regional format, and they complained about getting QLD news. No doubt they will complain about Sydney news on the weekend too.