New Zealand Election 2020 - Media coverage

Video of the opener, poll & preview of the AR graphics


There won’t be much media coverage until 7pm (NZDT)anyway, which is when the Polls close. It can be discussed, but you can’t advertise or lobby for anyone’s votes, candidate or party. Early results should come in pretty quickly.

The usual three FTA channels are offering coverage, all from 7pm tonight (TVNZ1, +HR=E, and Maori Television).

You can also keep tabs on things yourself at

I’d like to say good luck to all three candidates tonight, and may the best network win.


Given that most of the electorate has pre or postal voted, the blackout today seems a little redundant really.

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Got a few hours to kill? Well the Orange Guy has taken over TVNZ Duke until 5pm.


Yep, it’s a hangover from the olden days when you only had Polling Day to do your voting on. Doesn’t stop people from wearing rosettes in Polling Places either… which I’ve always thought was a bit dodgy.

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I presume you’re not bombarded with volunteers from the parties hurling ‘How to Vote’ cards at you as you walk into polling places either. Probably the thing I loathe most about elections in Australia.


The TV coverage will be interesting tonight because TVNZ will have two former 3 News presenters (John Campbell & Hillary Barry) presenting their coverage while Three/Newshub have three current (Tova O’Brien)/former (Patrick Gower & Duncan Garner) political editors fronting their broadcast

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Yeah, this could easily be fixed and I hope it is for the next election.

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I’m not sure an endorsement by Albanese is actually a good thing for Ardern here, so.

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Is there anyway to watch in Australia?

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ABC News 24 has updates and a special tonight. Presumedly they’re doing their own coverage with their NZ Correspondent.

Given that it’s also Election Night in the ACT, surely the ABC News channel would be doing some form of hybrid broadcast with results from both polls?

For Antony Green, having two elections to cover on one day/night is like Christmas! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I want to watch New Zealand coverage not the ABC

Plus he has the Queensland Election in 2 weeks and the US Election. His brain is exploding with excitement :heart_eyes:

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Antony Green is having an orgasm tonight covering two elections in one day!

You can watch the Newshub stream on YouTube here. There should be a 1 News stream on there too.

I don’t know if TVNZ do it, but I know the ABC remove geo-blocking on Aust fed election nights so that ex-pats can watch from overseas.

Oh, and it always amuses me when Australian commentators with our equally confusing preferential voting system and canoe length Senate ballot papers slag off the NZ system…

They were just playing the NZ Electoral Ad music over various ads featuring the ‘Orange Guy’ with various L3 crawls from 9am to 5pm encouraging people to vote. Here is a few caps from a recording.