Home and Away

Correct. It’ll be moved next year.

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While it wouldn’t be overly surprising if Seven were to eventually move Home & Away to 7TWO (can’t imagine them axing it entirely for as long as the show continues to meet local content quotas and performs well in international sales), it’s always wise not to believe anything schedule related until a guide or press release comes out!

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It’s like how under fire coaches tend to (funnily enough) have their board’s support up until they’re fired!


They should air it all year like Neighbours.

RE: TT revival.

They wouldn’t dare touch 6:30pm would they, ratings dominating. So we’re definitely assuming 7pm and H&A move? Does that mean news extended to 60min in Adelaide and Perth to better streamline and also better reflect timeslot ratings?

Naomi? Melissa? Angela? Usher? Amor? Poach someone from the ABC or 60 Minutes?

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You have inside information?

It’s not going anywhere, according to Seven programmer Angus Ross https://tvtonight.com.au/2019/07/home-and-away-secure-says-seven.html

But then again, most programmers have said “its not going anywhere” in years past to various shows, and then boom, the show disappears soon after. lol.

In fact, Seven did exactly that with 800 Words and in the past Blue Heelers and All Saints.

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So if something happens in two to three years the TV Blackbox website will have been proven correct.

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I’m pretty sure that literally nobody from the ABC would want to be associated with Today Tonight.

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Two things I haven’t seen mentioned often with regards to the ratings for Home and Away - demos and consolidated - both are positives for the show. It’s been claimed that H and Away sets Seven up poorly for the rest of the night, however, on most nights the show rates higher than the 7.30pm show in the key advertising demos. That would suggest the problem is the 7.30 show rather than the 7pm one! It is also competitive with other 7pm shows in the demos as well.

Results this week:
Monday 25-54 2nd, 16-39 1st
Tuesday 25-54 3rd 16-39 2nd (ahead of ACA)
Thursday 25-54 2nd 16-39 1st

Then it receives some extra viewers across the next 7 days from PVR catch up that the other 7pm shows don’t get.

Additionally it is usually Seven’s top rated show on 7Plus where it has 10,000 watching live and 60,000 watching across 7 days.


LOL said this fella:

Giant salaries are rarely refused!


They married at Luttrellstown Castle near Dublin.

Zoe Ventoura (Packed to the Rafters) will make her H&A debut next week. A 15-second promo aired tonight on 7TWO in Melbourne.

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Very sad news.


Very sad indeed.

Here is a glimpse at the new closing credits for the overseas broadcast of the show. I wish they will be shown here in Australia (at least on 7plus) after the preview of the next episode.


I have seen closing credits sometimes on the 7Plus episodes but that was months ago.

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That is me. We had one episode last year where we had Aussie credits go out with the promo followed by the UK credits.