Gold Network

There’s other colour usages already -

It’s dull - but it’s not like the yellow version is the only one that exists.

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Even if they went 2D, they should have kept the gold colour (with grey or white print) and the font.

TBH the black & yellow is more impactful and appealing to a younger audience, which is what ARN want.

As I mentioned above, it’s not uncommon for ARN to do this and “relaunch” this network every few years.

How else can you position yourself as a classic hits station without going stale playing the same music again & again (which I’m finding the eastern Triple M’s are facing right now).


Agree on Triple M. And btw the Triple M logo is one of the worst I’ve ever seen. I’ve hated it since the day it launched and it’s about 5 years overdue for a new one. So compared to that, the new Gold logo is still preferable.

As I referred to the other day, marketing now commenced.

On air referring to “Gold Summer.”


That’s not so obvious, given its “Pure Gold” anyway. I was expecting something more like “A Golden Era is coming, January 2025” if they were to promote the change as such.

They are doing that too.

There’s a promo saying “We’ve asked our listeners what they think the WS stands for in WSFM (and then a list of incorrect answers), from January we are blowing up and Gold1017 will be born”.


Wow, i am still a little surprised that they are promoting this so early.

Mind you, I bet they didn’t ask anyone at all, they just did it because it suits them and nothing else.


Do they say “blowing up” or glowing up?

I wonder when arn will post the news about the name change on

When they move it to :wink:

I get Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.

We can’t connect to the server at

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I’ll try and listen out for it again and get back to you. :thinking:

OK. Just seems weird if they’re saying that they’re “blowing up” their station as if there’s something wrong with it.

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You are right. I’m sorry. Its glowing. They just said it again in a different sentence but it was definitely “Sydney’s WSFM is GLOWING up in 2025”.


That sounds much better. :slight_smile:
Hopefully the oldies know what a “glow up” is. :stuck_out_tongue:

Aren’t they targeting 25-54 now?

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You wouldn’t want to annoy the 55+ demo though who have helped them get to number one.

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sounds like theyre already gonna annoy them though as they change WSFM’s name

I really don’t know why they are making such a big deal out of it. If it were me I’d just do a soft launch and progressively introduce Gold 101.7 WSFM and then slowly drop the WS. Why piss people off with all the drama.