Emergency Radio Broadcasting in Australia

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What emergency broadcasting information is being aired on 96.1 (2ONE/Cada) considering the Nepean/Hawkesbury catchment is flooding for the third or fourth time this year?

If there are any updates, are they being broadcast on FM 96.1 and not via digital radio or online?

What & when have they done so in the past?

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I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything emergency related on 96.1 besides what’s said in the news/traffic.


Excluding fashion crimes/ wardrobe emergencies, of course.


ABC Local is doing a dreadful job in Victoria this afternoon. Was quite good earlier, but now Raf is waffling on about stage 3 tax cuts and regional stations are airing the abysmal Australia Wide.

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This is why we need a more automated National Emergency Warning System that can cut into programming and broadcast Emergency information a bit similar to what they have in America.


Evenings have been reasonably thorough with Casey Bennetto filling in for Astle and continuing beyond 10pm rather than taking Nightlife. Trevor Chappell is on the way to take over from him.


We’ve had local updates from Hobart but apparently after 10pm they were going to be coming from the mainland which are more of a rip and read type thing. The local ones were calling for people to send in their reports and trying to provide actual live to the minute updates.

We don’t have an actual radio and we listen to the radio overnight through the Google hub with ABC listen but it doesn’t seem like they have the overnight updates, I certainly haven’t heard any of them but I will try and keep an ear out tonight again now that the situation is a lot worse than last night.

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Casey was great - definitely struck the right balance between light and serious. Sammy J doing a reasonable job this morning too.

I just find it odd that coverage can fall away for up to an hour at a time when news is actually developing. At the time of my original post, there had been a number of new emergency and evacuation warnings issued in regional Victoria, but if the ABC was your only source you wouldn’t know it until Evenings took over at 7pm.


They should be able to force FM broadcasters to simulcast ABC radio coverage to increase the likely coverage and listeners.

Obviously the commercials would object and some listeners would complain but how many people in an emergency where power or telecommunications could be cut would know that frequencies the ABC is on?


Mentions of coverage from Triple M and KLFM in Bendigo last night.


Not to defend the ABC, but there is a real issue around how we treat Floods as an emergency especially how it’s communicated. In the ‘build up’ (if you call it that), updates aren’t frequent unless there is rapid change (and often delayed) and there can be a significant reliance on local knowledge that is either assumed knowledge for groups of impacted people or is communicated hyper-locally (impacted properties/streets).

A lack of urgency in response often doesn’t help - more and more flood-impacted communities have had comprehensive flood studies done that allow for decently accurate predictions of peak heights and times for a significant range of events that mean you can know potentially many hours in advance of what is likely to occur.

It doesn’t help that data that has to go through several agencies to determine what will happen either - The Lismore (and broader northern rivers) floods recently have shown that there needs to be a significant shift in how we respond and subsequently communicate.

All that said - that shouldn’t stop the ABC from mounting some kind of coverage that keeps people informed (even if its telling people where to get information for things like road closures)

This is going to become a greater issue - people shunning “traditional” forms of consuming media (like via the radio or on local FTA) make the need to find alternate ways to communicate more critical.


Agree ABC’s coverage has been disappointing. Local markets affected should be breaking away from state programming

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I did manage to hear last night and I don’t know if there was a different feed but I got just the very tail end of the cricket which would have been broadcasting on the usual ABC Northern Tasmania FM whereas normally we have the proper programming. This did mean we got the flood updates on the Google and then I heard one during the Nightlife however it was definitely done from the mainland because it was full of just reading the warnings - which is fine but didn’t have the local feel as many of the place names were pronounced wrong. I know that’s a petty thing and I know I would make many mistakes for other places but when every second or third place in the long lists is not said correctly it does seem a bit unprofessional.

As an example - Melbournians pronounce Berwick as Berrick, I have friends with that surname and it is pronounced Ber-wick and others would pronounce the place name as that. One of the Tasmanian ones was Nunamara - said as None-amara instead of New-namara or Leana instead of Lie-ena for Liena.

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ABC Victoria’s coverage coming from Albury this afternoon, Sandra Moon anchoring.

Seymour FM has been off air since early Friday due to flooding - not 18 months after recovering from an arson attack.


In case of ABC Listen, it is broadcast nationally, so you can’t interrupt every radio stream with emergency information that is relevant to one state.


It’s absolutely possible: iHeart and LiSTNR use geolocation to serve targeted advertising, so no reason why this couldn’t be used for emergency alerts (or any other kind of targeted content for that matter).


It is inaccurate though. You would rather not risk sending wrong information to people.

We still always get the local ads on the ABC - e.g. Belinda King for Breakfast from 5:30am weekdays etc… and on Saturday nights I have to remember to ask it to play ABC Radio Hobart instead of Northern Tasmania so I can get Nightlife instead of Saturday Night Country so there is some levels of flexibility and when it comes to major life threatening floods and fires etc… there should be at least some mention even giving some generalised locations and telling people where to check for further information or the numbers to call. I’m sure people would understand a minute or two every so often as they’d expect the same in their own situation. They heavily promote the fact they are meant to be the emergency broadcaster.


I think we should implement a mobile warning system similar to what is already in place in New Zealand, North America and most of Europe.